Alaska Then & Now is your pipeline to the rich history of "The Last Frontier." Our nation's largest state is home of some of the country's best hiking, camping, fishing, and kayaking. Through a series of gold, fur, timber, fishing, and oil booms, author Rosemary Lord demonstrates the before-and-after effects of this state's extraordinary evolution.- This thorough account matches historic images with specially-commissioned photos of modern Alaska, showing the amazing transformation of America's largest state.
-Discover what lies among the snowcapped mountains of Alaska with fascinating historical detail and a treasure trove of photographs.
-Tour the Gastineau Waterfront in Juneau where you can hike, ride the Mount Roberts Tramway
-On a clear day see Juneau, the Gastineau Channel, and nearby mining ruins.
-Sojourn to sacred spaces, including the flourishing Anchorage Memorial Park Cemetery, the classic Church of the Holy Trinity, and the charming St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church.