Book 1

The Duke's Agent

by Rebecca Jenkins

Published 5 June 2008
Raif Jarrett has returned from battle, and is seeking a quiet life as agent to the Duke of Penrith. So when he is sent to the Durham town of Woolbridge to settle the affairs of one of the Duke's tenants following his sudden death, the dangers of the Yorkshire countryside could not be more unexpected. Jarrett begins to uncover a network of crime and corruption but is thwarted at every turn by the town's powerful and much-feared magistrate, Mr. Justice Raistrick. When a young woman dies in tragic and mysterious circumstances, Jarrett is accused of her murder and has to fight for his life as he desperately seeks to uncover the truth. While he unravels one mystery, Raif Jarrett keeps the lid firmly closed on another.As a stranger in Woolbridge, Jarrett sets tongues wagging, but he refuses to talk about his family, especially his connection to the Duke. And why did he flee to the army - seeking almost certain death - some years previously? Even the elegant and charming Henrietta, in whom Jarrett longs to confide, cannot work out this enigmatic newcomer. Rebecca Jenkins writes with the skill of a natural-born storyteller.
"The Duke's Agent" is full of richly evocative descriptions, audacious plot twists and a cast of unforgettable characters: vivacious black-eyed Sal who falls prey to the sinister Tallyman; sharp-minded old Lady Catharine who is cared for by her poised and proper niece; and of course, the gallant Jarrett himself, who may yet have more in common with his amoral nemesis Raistrick than he would ever care to admit.

Book 2

Death of a Radical

by Rebecca Jenkins

Published 28 October 2010
1812. Bored with the mundane commitments of his new role as the Duke of Penrith's agent in the town of Woolbridge in Durham, returning soldier Raif Jarrett is having second thoughts about civilian life. As the Easter fairs come to town, markets where everything from ribbons to cattle is traded, the town readies itself for upheaval. The local mills are bringing in machinery, which will increase production, but jobs will be lost.

As a group of radicals begin to rail against the plight of the workers and one of the judges brings in the military as a precaution, it seems Woolbridge is headed for trouble. When Raif's young cousin comes to stay and gets involved, Raif will be forced to act to keep his family safe and his town intact. Soon enough a salesman lies dead in his bed and a radical is brutally murdered out on the hillsides.

All the while, the lovely Henrietta Lonsdale continues to capture Raif's imagination, but a visit from an old flame is sure to ruffle the lady's feathers...