Introduces the concept of division by showing animals sharing their food equally.

Uses zoo animals as examples to introduce basic concepts of mathematics.

Pares En El Zoológico

by Patricia Whitehouse

Published 16 February 2002
Introduces the mathematical concept of pairs by showing what comes in twos at the zoo.

La Hora En El Zoológico

by Patricia Whitehouse

Published 16 February 2002
Introduces the concept of time using zoo animals and the schedule zoo employees follow in taking care of them.

Patrones En El Zoológico

by Patricia Whitehouse

Published 16 February 2002
An introduction to the concept of patterns, using examples from the coats and feathers of zoo animals.

Tamaños En El Zoológico

by Patricia Whitehouse

Published 16 February 2002
Uses zoo animals as examples to explain the concept of size.