Body Doubles

by Sally Morgan

Published 18 March 2002

Germ Killers

by Sally Morgan

Published 18 March 2002

Alternative Energy Sources

by Sally Morgan

Published 5 September 2002
This series investigates scientific developments and theories that give rise to popular and widespread interest, concern and controversy. Each book looks at a different source of controversy and: - introduces the personalities and interest groups - features details of the development or discovery - explains the underlying science and techniques - reviews the issues and opinions involved - uses a variety of examples and evidence

Global Warming

by Sally Morgan

Published 5 September 2002
This series investigates scientific developments and theories that give rise to popular and widespread interest, concern and controversy. Each book looks at a different source of controversy and: - introduces the personalities and interest groups - features details of the development or discovery - explains the underlying science and techniques - reviews the issues and opinions involved - uses a variety of examples and evidence

Super Foods

by Sally Morgan

Published 1 March 2009