Recognizing fraudulent or deceptive practices is not always easy. What common frauds occur in governments and not-for-profits and how can they be avoided? Illustrating common frauds that make headlines and damage the reputations of government and not-for-profit entities, this title allows accountants to sharpen their forensic skills and uncover and avoid fraudulent activities. It provides an informative case study approach to real world situations.

This title will show accountants how to do the following:

  • Determine how interim fraudulent reporting may affect planned reliance on internal controls and any related audit procedures.
  • Identify how personnel policies and procedures can be circumvented and lead to possible fraud or abuse.
  • Apply potential ways to follow up on noted indications of fraud, abuse, and weaknesses in internal control.
  • Determine how management override of internal controls can lead to possible fraud.
  • Analyze how bribes and kickbacks may occur.
  • Identify how donated assets and capital assets in general might be misappropriated.

Frauds in governments are as unique as government entities themselves. In this book, you will learn about real-world government fraud, including cyber fraud, and your responsibilities when dealing with government. Analyzing several unique frauds that occurred in the sector, this book offers a comprehensive learning approach using examples, explanations of audit standards, and informative case studies. Key topics include: misappropriation of assets, external financial reporting, cyber fraud, management override, and improper use of procurement cards.

Due to the nature of not-for-profits, fraud may be more common than it seems. This book shows how to recognize red flags of fraud, including cyber fraud. It offers a comprehensive learning approach using real-world examples, explanations of audit standards, and informative case studies that analyze several unique frauds which occurred in the not-for-profit industry. Key topics covered are: misappropriation of benefits, pledges and contributions, cyber fraud, and grant expense allocations.

This book provides a review of the top accounting and auditing issues faced by preparers of governmental and not-for-profit financial statements and their auditors. Key areas covered include: GASB 87, Leases; revenue recognition, including grants and contracts; risk assessment; and financial reporting.

Key topics include:

  • - Current GASB developments
  • - Audit issues related to GASB developments
  • - Recent GASB pronouncements and their impact on accounting and reporting
  • - Top advice from the AICPA's Technical Hotline and the GASB Technical Inquiry System