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1 We search the concepts and methods ) of the theory of deformable sonds from GALILEO to LAGRANGE. Neither of them achieved much in our subject, but their works serve as 2 termini: With GALILEO's Discorsi in 1638 our matter begins ) (for this is the history of mathematical theory), while LAGRANGE's Mechanique Analitique closed the mechanics of 1) There are three major historical works that bear on our subject. The first is A history of the theory of elasticity and of the strength of materials by I. ToDHUNTER, "edited and completed" by K. PEARSON, Vol. I, Cambridge, 1886. Unfortunately it is necessary to give warning that this book fails to meet the standard set by the histories ToDHUNTER lived to finish. Much of what ToDHUNTER left seems to be rather the rough notes for a book than the book itself; the parts due to PEARSON are fortunately distinguished by square brackets. Researches prior to 1800 are disposed of in the first chapter, 79 pages long and almost entirely the work of PEARSON; as frontispiece to a work whose title restricts it to theory he saw fit to supply a possibly original pen drawing entitled "Rupture. Sur faces of Cast-Iron".

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Sol et Luna

by Charles Blanc and Leonhard Euler

Published 13 December 1990
This volume, together with Volumes 22 and 23 of the same series, contains Euler's contributions to the theory of the movement of the sun and especially of the moon. Time and again Euler worked on the program of applying Newton's principles of mechanics to improve our unterstanding of the movement of the celestial bodies. Euler's monumental "Theoria motuum Lunae nova methodo pertractata" of 1772 (his "Second Theory of the Moon") forms Volume 22, whereas Volume 23 mainly contains his early Astronomical Tables and his "First Theory of the Moon" of 1753. In the present volume the reader will find early papers by Euler pertaining to the preparation of his Astronomical Tables, a series of articles written between his two Theories of the Moon, and finally three substantial essays closely related to his "Second Theory of the Moon". The texts are reprinted in the original language most commonly French or Latin.

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Der Band enthalt einen Teil der Abhandlungen Eulers zur Stoerungstheorie. Er ist der zweite von drei diesem Thema gewidmeten Banden. Gegenstand der Untersuchungen ist die Beschreibung der Bewegung eines Himmelskoerpers um ein Zentralgestirn unter Berucksichtigung der von weiteren Himmelskoerpern auf ihn wirkenden Gravitationskrafte. Als Beispiel sei die gravitative Wirkung der Venus auf die Erdbahn erwahnt.Von grosser praktischer Bedeutung, insbesondere fur die Navigation auf See, war die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Sonne auf die Mondbewegung. Mit diesem Thema beschaftigte Euler sich Zeit seines Lebens.

SER 4A / v.7

This volume of the Opera omnia includes Euler's correspondences in French with his Swiss countrymen Louis Bertrand, Charles Bonnet, Marc-Michel Bousquet, Jean de Castillon, Gabriel Cramer, Philibert Cramer, Gaspard Cuentz, Albrecht von Haller, Georges-Louis Lesage et Johann Caspar Wettstein, and one letter to the German Johann Michael von Loen who is mentioned in the Euler-Bertrand correspondence. The first letter from Euler to d'Alembert recently rediscovered has been added as supplement.

Whereas the correspondence with Gabriel Cramer and Georges-Louis Lesage deals mainly with mathematical and physical subjects (Cramer's rule, Cramer's paradox, Lesage's theory of gravity), many letters exchanged with other Swiss correspondents provide new information about Euler's non-scientific activities, like the commerce of almanacs, negotiations with publishers, the support of young scientists in search of a position, and a variety of private matters.


Ce volume contient les correspondances qu'Euler a entretenues avec plusieurs compatriotes suisses en langue francaise. Il s'agit de Louis Bertrand, Charles Bonnet, Marc-Michel Bousquet, Jean de Castillon, Gabriel Cramer, Philibert Cramer, Gaspard Cuentz, Albrecht von Haller, Georges-Louis Lesage et Johann Caspar Wettstein. Bien qu'il n'ait pas ete suisse, une lettre de Johann Michael von Loen, personnage mentionne dans la correspondance Euler-Bertrand, figure egalement dans ce volume. De plus, la premiere lettre d'Euler a d'Alembert recemment redecouverte a ete ajoutee en annexe.

Tandis que les correspondances avec Gabriel Cramer et Georges-Louis Lesage portent essentiellement sur des sujets de mathematiques et de physique (regle de Cramer, paradoxe de Cramer, theorie de la gravitation de Lesage), une grande partie des lettres qu'Euler a echangees avec d'autres compatriotes refletent ses activites non scientifiques, comme le commerce d'almanachs, les negociations avec des editeurs-imprimeurs a propos de la publication de ses ouvrages, ses interventions en faveur de jeunes scientifiques a la recherche d'un poste, et des affaires privees.

SER 3 / v.10

This volume contains eleven articles, seven of them written by Leonhard Euler himself (4 contributions in Latin, 3 in French) and four written by his son Johann Albrecht Euler (3 contributions inFrench,1 in Latin). Four of the papers are prized essays submitted to the Académie Royale des Sciences in Paris and to the Imperial Academy in St. Petersburg. There are three articles on heat, two on matters of electricity and six articles on magnetism. The extensive introduction, written in English, is divided into the parts thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, and several comments and appendices on Euler's "Anleitung zur Naturlehre", on Euler's summery of Aepinius' paper on electricity, and Euler's work in spherical trigonometry.

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This volume concludes the second series of Leonhard Euler's Opera Omnia. It contains Euler's contributions to cosmic physics. Most substantial is the Essay on the Tide, which shared the prize awarded by the Paris Academy of Science in 1740. Other topics are the constitution of the atmosphere, ocean currents and winds, comets, the resistance of the aether, the lunar atmosphere, and the shape of the earth. The papers collected in this volume span a period from 1727 to 1775. They show Euler's lasting interest in questions of cosmic physics.

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Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.