Book 6

Further evidence for the industrial nature of the northern extra-mural suburb of Canterbury from the Roman, through medieval and post-medieval periods, was discovered in excavations close to North Lane. Roman discoveries include quarries servicing the pottery and tile industry, a series of heavily-used roads and a late Roman road-side...Read more

Book 8

Number 8 in Canterbury Archaeological Trust's occasional paper series publishes further findings in Canterbury's northern suburbs, this time close to Roman pottery and tile kilns recorded during the relocation of the cattle market in the 1950s. The kilns were established in an existing agricultural landscape in the mid-1st century...Read more

Book 9

This latest volume in Canterbury Archaeological Trust's Occasional Paper series describes discoveries along the route of the Whitfield-Eastry by-pass. An extensive programme of fieldwalking and evaluation investigated a number of sites: two sites were subject to full excavation. At Eastling Wood a prehistoric barrow proved to be the focus...Read more