Book 2

Report on the excavation. (Australian Centre for Egyptology, Report 2, 1990)

Book 4

El-Hagarsa lies on the west bank of the Nile near the border of Nomes 8 and 9, though it is disputed as to which of them it belonged. Some of the tombs were recorded and published by Petrie in 1908, but the cemetery was re-examined by the Australian Centre...Read more

Book 6

Book 7

Book 9

Book 14

The tomb of Nikauisesi was discovered in 1979 but has remained unpublished until now. The chapel is decorated with important scenes and inscriptions in painted relief, the examination of which, together with the human remains of Nikauisesi, raises many questions concerning the chronology of the transitional period between Dynasties...Read more

Book 16

Tombs at Giza, Volume 1

by Naguib Kanawati

Published 15 October 2001
A report on two tombs found at Giza: Kaiemankh (G4561) who held the offices of Superintendent of the Treasury and Superintendent of Priests; Seshemnefer I (G4940), the Royal Chamberlain, Priest of Heket, Judge and Administrator. This volume includes historical details on the occupant of the tomb, its date, inscriptions...Read more

Book 17

A report on a group of officials' tombs excavated in the 1980s by the Egyptian Antiquities Authority. This volume includes details on the architectural features, scenes, inscriptions and finds from these tombs along with lots of photographs and drawings.

Book 21

The mastaba of Mereruka is the most extensively decorated
tomb of the Old Kingdom. As a vizier and husband of the eldest daughter of King Teti, Mereruka held an unusually large number of responsibilities and his tomb reflects the wealth and status he enjoyed. Consisting of 32 rooms, 16...Read more

Book 23

Deir el-Gebrawi, volume 1

by Naguib Kanawati

Published 15 October 2005
Deir el-Gebrawi was one of the most important provinces in
the Old Kingdom, with governors buried there holding high administrative positions, including that of vizier. The cemetery occupies two separate cliffs, the nothern one of which received very limited attention from Norman de Garis Davies, who first published it...Read more

Book 24

Located on the northern limits of the Teti Cemetery, the Tomb of Inumin is dated to the earlier part of the reign of Pepy I. The chapel is formed of five rooms, three of which are beautifully decorated with scenes of daily life clearly influenced by the neighbouring rich...Read more

Book 25

Deir el-Gebrawi, volume 2

by Naguib Kanawati

Published 15 August 2006
Following the publication of the Northern Cliff of Deir el-Gebrawi, the Australian Centre for Egyptology has undertaken a season of re-recording the tomb of Ibi and other surrounding smaller tombs on the Southern Cliff. Originally recorded by Davies in 1900 and published in 1902, the tomb of Ibi represents...Read more

Book 28

The mud brick mastaba of Remni was recently discovered in the North West corner of the Teti Cemetery. All four walls of its one room chapel are covered with scenes of daily life, painted on mud plaster and thus preserving for us a good example of this rarely preserved...Read more

Book 29

As vizier and husband of King Teti's eldest daughter, Mereruka enjoyed a very special status and built an unusually rich mastaba. This volume deals with the architecture and art of the exterior of his mastaba and with those of rooms A1-A12 of his magnificent chapel. The variety of themes...Read more

Book 32

Deir El-Gebrawi Volume III

by Naguib Kanawati

Published 30 November 2012
A new complete record of the architecture, scenes and inscriptions in the important tomb of Djau with description and translations. The volume includes studies by M. Schultz and R. Walker of the recently discovered human remains of Djau and a study of mummification techniques by S. Ikram.

Book 34

The tomb of Pepyankh the Black (D2) at Meir was published by Blackman in his series The Rock Tombs of Meir (vol. 5, London, 1953). The Australian Centre for Egyptology (ACE) rerecorded all the scenes and inscriptions in the chapel after these had been conserved by the Supreme Council...Read more

Book 38

The book contains the excavation and recording of Tomb A4 and its decorated burial chamber belonging to Niankhpepy the Black, whose son Pepyankh the Black built two communicating tombs A1 and A2 for his father and himself, then linking the chapel of Tomb A1 to the burial chamber of...Read more

Book 39

The second volume of the Beni Hassan series is devoted to the recording and study of the only decorated Old Kingdom tombs at the site. The tombs of Ipi and Bebi have never been completely recorded in drawing and photographs since their publication by J. Garstang in 1907. The...Read more

Book 40

Beni Hassan

by Naguib Kanawati, Linda Evans, and Anna-Latifa Mourad

Published 1 February 2011
The magnificent tomb of Khnumhotep II has never been completely recorded in drawing and photographs since its pioneering publication by P. E. Newberry in 1893. This report comprises detailed coloured plates, complete line drawings as well as the translation and interpretation of all the scenes and inscriptions in the...Read more

Book 41

The Cemetery of Meir

by Naguib Kanawati and Linda Evans

Published 1 February 2018