Describes the difference between rocks, minerals, and gems. Explains how different types of rock were formed. Describes the properties that are used to identify minerals, and explores different places where rocks and minerals are found. Shows how rocks are used every day, sometimes in new ways.

Discusses how stars cluster into galaxies and how galaxies move apart as the universe expands. Describes the properties of stars and the life cycle of a star. Identifies our place in the Milky Way galaxy and explores the vast universe of galaxies beyond the Milky Way. Describes how increasingly powerful tools allow scientists to look ever deeper into the universe.

Discusses the world's finite supply of water as it circulates through the water cycle. Describes how people use water to do work, how people can conserve water, and why it's important.

Explores the motion of Earth and the moon in relation to the sun, and explains why season occur. Identifies factors that cause the moon's phases. Discusses how ancient peoples made innovations such as Stonehenge based on their observations of the sky. Explains what causes solar and lunar eclipses. Identifies ways in which satellites help scientists track data about the earth.

Discusses extreme weather and the latest projects to improve storm prediction. Describes some of the health, economic, and environmental effects of extreme weather. Explains how thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes form, and what safety measures to take during storms. Explores the latest technology that scientists use to learn about and predict storms.