Does a Seal Smile?

by Harriet Ziefert

Published 3 August 2006
"Does a Seal Smile? explores the meanings of body and facial expressions in wild animals and people. A funny, kid-like question ("Does a coyote smile?") is shown with a realistic scenario (coyote howling), and thoughts/facts about how animals express themselves. Next, waves, smiles, frowns, hugs, kisses, and handshakes are explored, showing how humans express what they want, think, and feel."--

"The ways animals and people use and keep their teeth healthy are explored in this title in Blue Apple's Think About ... series. By contrasting the behavior of people and animals, the series helps young children understand what makes humans, and themselves, unique."--

"Does a Hippo Go to the Doctor? explores and explains why animals in the wild don't go to doctors, that some animals can be cared for by vets--but only people use professional medical services throughout their lifetime."--