Metamorphic Rocks

by Ava Sawyer

Published 1 August 2018
Did you know rocks could go through metamorphosis? Intense heat or pressure changes the form of metamorphic rocks. This type of rock is the oldest found on Earth. Find out where metamorphic rocks are formed, how they've impacted the planet's landscape and more.

Igneous Rocks

by Ava Sawyer

Published 1 August 2018
Did you know igneous rock is formed as a result of volcanic activity? This type of rock is made up of minerals. Find out more about minerals, where igneous rocks form and what purposes they serve. You may even have igneous rocks in your own home!


by Ava Sawyer

Published 1 August 2018
How do we know about the plants and animals that lived millions of years ago? Fossils! Every continent contains fossils that tell us about organisms that once existed on Earth. Fossils also give us details about what the planet was like in these prehistoric times. Find out how fossils are formed, how they are identified and much more.

Sedimentary Rocks

by Ava Sawyer

Published 1 August 2018
Sedimentary rocks are all around you. They form from soil, gravel, dust and other sediment. This type of rock is often affected by wind and water erosion. Learn how this can change an area's landscape and how sedimentary rocks are useful.

Rocks Pack A of 4

by Ava Sawyer

Published 7 February 2019
The Rocks series takes an in-depth look at the three types of rock-sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic as well as fossils. Find out how each rock type is formed and what each is composed of. Where are these types of rocks found, and where do fossils and minerals fit in? Learn what each rock is used for and much more.


by Ava Sawyer

Published 1 August 2018