Touch Book

by Jane Belk Moncure

Published 1 January 1982
Fingers are made for touching fuzzy, cold, warm, sticky, lumpy, furry, rough, smooth, soft, hard, slippery, and prickly things.

A Tasting Party

by Jane Belk Moncure

Published 1 January 1982
Flowers, leaves, seeds, roots, fruits, dairy foods, and meats are sampled at different types of food tasting parties.

Sounds All Around

by Jane Belk Moncure

Published 1 January 1982
Mentions some sounds the ear can hear, such as the "ping" of a toaster and the "splish-splash-plop" of raindrops.

What Your Nose Knows

by Jane Belk Moncure

Published 1 January 1982
Describes the many things your nose can identify throughout the year by their smells.