Motivacion (Motivation)

by Brian Tracy

Published 24 August 2017

Where does that "winning edge" you've heard so much about come from? How do some people seem to find success simply from waking up and getting out of bed? World-renowned performance expert Brian Tracy has spent decades studying uncommonly high achievers. Instead of finding commonalities such as Ivy League educations, gold-star connections, and a dash of blind luck, Tracy discovered that the keys to their success were more often small adjustments in outlook and behavior--simple things that anyone can do!In Personal Success, Tracy lays out a simple, clear plan for anyone to be able to unlock their potential and find the success they previously thought was unattainable for them. Readers will learn to:* Change your mindset to attract opportunity* Banish self-limited beliefs* Build your self-confidence* Practice courage--because all successful people are risk takers* Sharpen your natural intuition* Continually upgrade your skills* And morePacked with simple but game-changing techniques, Personal Success is the answer you've been searching for to gain that winning edge and turn your dreams into realities.

In most workplaces today, meetings have become--at worst--dreaded, meaningless, and a waste of time, and at best, a necessary evil. Neither should be acceptable to management! All meetings should be powerful tools for solving problems, making decisions, exchanging ideas, and getting results fast. But how? What is the secret to turning pointless into production?Based on years of experience consulting for companies around the world, Brian Tracy has learned firsthand what works in meetings--and what doesn't. Now, in this invaluable pocket-sized guide, he reveals simple, proven ideas for managers and other leaders to learn how best to:* Structure different types of meetings: one-on-one or group, informational or problem-solving, internal or external* Establish meeting priorities* Set an achievable agenda* Summarize discussion points and decisions* Gain agreement on action steps, assign responsibility, and set deadlines* Maximize the return on time invested* And much more!When you are leading a meeting, both your superiors and your subordinates are assessing your performance. Meetings That Get Results shows you how to use structure, purpose, presentations, and more to make your performances more effective and compelling.

Throughout your life, you've always recognized "it" when you saw it--that indescribable, appealing quality that tells you loud and clear this person is a leader, someone you should trust, follow, and learn from. And you've always told yourself, if only you had that "it factor" inside you that could inspire, motivate, and lead others in the same way. Well, you do . . . and you can!Nobody--not even the greatest you have ever seen--comes into the world a natural leader. But somewhere along the way, these people who entered the world in the same you did transformed into the kind of magnetic individuals who inspire others to follow their lead. Success expert Brian Tracy has spent years studying the world's greatest leaders and believes that everyone has it inside them to:* Inspire trust, confidence, and loyalty* Instill a sense of meaning and purpose in your organization* Tap into the motivation and enthusiasm that compels others to commit to your vision * Clearly communicate goals and strategies and gain buy-in* Build winning teams* Elicit extraordinary performance from ordinary people * Become the person seen as most likely to lead the organization to victory* And moreDon't fall for the lie that says some are born leaders and the rest of us are simply their followers. You are just as capable as anyone! Packed with practical, proven methods, Leadership, a indispensable little guide will help you unlock your leadership potential.

The art of negotiation has become an essential element of almost all our interactions in every area of life. Enhancing our ability to negotiate effectively affects not only business contracts and career opportunities but also our personal relationships. Simply put, those who don't negotiate well risk falling victim to those who do.Success expert Brian Tracy has negotiated millions of dollars' worth of contracts during his career and has learned firsthand all the tips, tools, strategies, and things to avoid that are necessary for anyone to become a master negotiator. In Negotiation, a practical, concise guide, Tracy teaches readers how to:* Utilize the six key negotiating styles * Harness the power of emotion in hammering out agreements * Prepare like a pro and enter any negotiation from a position of strength* Gain clarity on areas of agreement and disagreement * Develop win-win outcomes * Know when and how to walk away * Apply the Law of Four * Plus much moreWithin the pages of this invaluable guide, begin mastering the art of negotiation. No other life-skill can impact you as broadly as learning how to negotiate well--saving you time and money, making you more effective in all areas of life, and contributing substantially to your career.