Book 1

God Came Near

by Max Lucado

Published 1 July 1987

It all happened in a moment -- a most remarkable moment.

God came near.

He came not as a flash of light or as an unapproachable conqueror, but as One whose first cries were heard by a peasant girl and a sleepy carpenter. The hands that held him were not manicured, but callused and dirty.

No silk. No ivory. No hype. No party. No hoopla. God had come near ... for you.

Travel back in time and relive Christ the Son of God becoming man. Come with Max as he brings to life the most important event in history ... when God came near. And as you catch a vision of this incredible moment, let it mark the beginning of a new life for yourself.

God came near. If he is who he says he is, there is no truth more worthy of your time.

Book 2

Just Like Jesus

by Max Lucado

Published 1 September 1998
In his best-selling book Just Like Jesus, Max Lucado explains that God loves you just the way you are . . . but He refuses to leave you that way. Why? Because our ultimate goal should be a life that is just like Jesus. And with determination, faith, and God's help, we can all change for the better, no matter how long the bad habits have settled in.

Book 3

The Applause of Heaven

by Max Lucado

Published 1 July 1990
It is what you always dreamed but never expected. It's having God as your dad, your biggest fan, and your best friend. It is having the King of Kings in your cheering section. It is hearing the applause of heaven. Max Lucado believes that the Beatitudes provide what we need to discover the the joy of God. Much more than a how-to book on happiness. The Applause of Heaven is an encounter with the Source of Joy.

Book 4

The cross.

It rests on the time line of history. Like a compelling diamond ...

Its tragedy summons all the sufferers ...

Its absurdity attracts all cynics ...

Its hope lures all searchers.

Far more than a gold-plated symbol of religious belief, the cross is the centerpiece of the Christian faith -- the meeting place of time and eternity. Where God and man encounter each other.

Max Lucado takes you through the drama of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ -- bringing to life Peter's denial, Pilate's hesitancy, and John's loyalty. Relive the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion, from the foggy garden of Gethsemane to the incandescent room of the resurrection.

No Wonder They Call Him the Savior leads you up the hill of mankind's highest hope and reminds you why he deserves to be called our Savior.

Book 5

Six Hours One Friday

by Max Lucado

Published 1 July 1989

Does life feel futile? Doesn't have to.

Do some of your failures seem fatal? They aren't.

And your death. Does the grave appear to be the final stop? According to Christ, your death is just the start of the something great.

There is a truth greater than all the losses and sorrows of life. And it can be discovered in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In Six Hours One Friday, Max Lucado delves into the meaning of Jesus' last hours on the cross. Through his death, your life has purpose and meaning. You are forgiven and loved by a Savior who died for you. And an empty tomb proclaims that death does not have the final word.

"Peace where there should be pain. Confidence in the midst of crisis. Hope defying despair. Does death have the last word? I can see Jesus wink as he gives the answer, Not on your life."

Book 6

And the Angels Were Silent

by Max Lucado

Published 1 August 1992

As Jesus entered His final days and faced Golgotha, He acted with loving purpose and deliberate intent. Each step was calculated. Every act premeditated. And the Angels Were Silent allows you to enter and observe a revealing and intimate view of our Savior's last week.

In the Eye of the Storm

by Max Lucado

Published 10 July 1991
One day in the life of Christ. Call it a tapestry of turmoil: A noisy pictorial in which the golden threads of triumph knot against the black, frazzled strings of tragedy. Call it a symphony of emotions: A sunrise-to-sunset orchestration of extremes. One score is brassy with exuberance -- the next moans with sorrow. Whatever you call it -- call it real. Author Max Lucado calls it "the second most stressful day in the life of our Savior." Before the morning becomes evening Jesus has reason to weep, then run, then shout, the curse, then praise, then doubt. Within a matter of moments his world is turned upside down. Sound familiar? The pink slip comes. The doctor calls. The divorce papers arrive. The check bounces. The life that had been calm is now chaotic. The world that had been serene is now stormy. Assailed by doubts. Pummeled by demands. If you've ever wondered if God in heaven can relate to you on earth, then read and re-read this pressure-packed day in the life of Christ. It is the only day, aside from the crucifixion, that all four gospels recorded. Lucado has interwoven their accounts in such a way that you will be assured that God knows how you feel.
And you will be assured that within every torrent there is a calm center -- a place you can stand when your world gets windy. The Eye of the Storm.

When God Whispers Your Name

by Max Lucado

Published 23 June 1994

These days, bad news often outpaces the good. Problems outnumber solutions. You may turn and ask, "Where is God at a time like this?" Friend, he's right here. And he's whispering your name.

Somewhere, between the pages of this book and the pages of your heart, God is speaking. And he is calling you by name. Maybe that's hard to believe. Maybe you just can't imagine that the One who made it all thinks of you that personally-that he keeps your name on his heart and lips.

In this book, New York Times bestselling author and Pastor Max Lucado proclaims this truth: In the Bible and in the circumstances of your life, God whispers your name lovingly. Tenderly. Patiently and persistently.

In When God Whispers Your Name, Max will help you:

  • See yourself in the stories of hardship and redemption in Scripture.
  • Understand that you are uniquely known by God.
  • Grasp the great and daring love of the One who calls your name.

Today, listen carefully. Hear that? God is whispering your name.

He Still Moves Stones

by Max Lucado

Published 26 July 1993

It's what happens when obstacles prevent you from seeing what God has done for you ...

He still moves stones.

People with questions. The Bible is absolutely full of them. A crook on a cross. A wild man in a cemetery. A five-time divorcee. A despondent cripple. A grieving sister. A father at the end of his rope.

Why are these portraits in the Bible? So we can look back in amazement at what Jesus did? No ... these aren't just Sunday school stories. They are historic moments in which a real God met real pain so we could answer the question. "Does God care when I hurt?"

On every page of this powerfully moving book, Max Lucado reminds us, the God who spoke to Moses at the burning bush still speaks loudly to you today. The God who forgave King David still offers you forgiveness. The God who helped men and women in ages past still comes into your world, and he comes to do what you can't, to move the stone away so you can see his answer.

Just Like Jesus-Comfort Print

by Max Lucado

Published 10 October 2000

God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you there. He wants you to be just like Jesus.

Can you think of a better offer?

Jesus felt no guilt; God wants you to feel no guilt. Jesus had no bad habits; God wants to do away with yours. Jesus had no fears; God wants the same for you. Jesus had no anxiety about death; you needn't either. God's desire, his plan, his ultimate goal is to make you into the image of Christ.

But how does this change occur? And why does the change seem so slow? If God wants me to be just like Jesus, why do I still seem just like me?

In Just Like Jesus, Max Lucado helps you answer these questions. He helps you understand God's wonderful ways of transformation. Would you like to know more? Then read on. And remember: God loves you just way you are, but he refuses to leave you there. He wants you to be just like Jesus.

A Gentle Thunder

by Max Lucado

Published 7 July 1995

God does what it takes to get our attention. How far do you want God to go to get yours?

Don't answer too quickly. What if God moved you to another land? (As He did Abraham.) What if He called you out of retirement? (Remember Moses?) How about the voice of an angel or the bowel of a fish (Gideon and Jonah.) God does what it takes to get our attention. That's the message of this book: the relentless pursuit of God.

Next Door Savior

by Max Lucado

Published 3 September 2003

We applaud men for doing good things.

We enshrine God for doing great things.

But what about a man who does God things?

One thing is certain. We can't ignore him. If these moments are factual, if the claim of Christ is actual, then he was, at once, man and God.

The single most significant person who ever lived. Forget MVP. He is the entire league. The head of the parade? Hardly. No one else shares the street. Who comes close? Humanity's best and brightest fade like dime-store rubies next to him.

Dismiss him? We can't. Resist him? Equally difficult. Why would we want to?

Don't we need a God-man Savior? A just-God Jesus could make us, but not understand us. A just-man Jesus could love us, but never save us. But a God-man Jesus?

Near enough to touch. Strong enough to trust. A next door Savior.


by Max Lucado

Published 9 July 2002

Low on Love?

Finding it hard to love? Someone in your world is hard to forgive? Is patience an endangered species? Kindness a forgotten virtue? If so, you may have forgotten a step -- an essential first step. Living loved.

God loves you. Personally. Powerfully. Passionately. Others have promised and failed. But God has promised and succeeded. He loves you with an unfailing love. And his love -- if you let it -- can fill you and leave you with a love worth giving.