The Cheese Companion

by Judy Ridgway

Published 6 March 2002
From Appenzeller to Wensleydale, from Gruyere to Parmigiano-Reggiano, the world of cheese is one to be discovered and savored by everyone who loves to eat. This accessible new paperback version of the original, comprehensive guide to selecting and enjoying the world's most popular cheeses is designed for easy reference, with an alphabetical directory of 106 varieties. Profiled by name, origin, characteristics, variations, and serving selections, each entry also indicates the type of milk used in production, the cheese's pungency, fat content, and compatibility with specific wines. A short section traces the history of cheese and how it is made.

The Olive Oil Companion

by Judy Ridgway

Published 1 October 1996
This volume covers all aspects of olive oil production, describing cultivation, harvesting and pressing requirements and techniques. The differences between extra virgin and virgin olive oil are explained as are the characteristics of the different varieties of olive that are grown. Myths surrounding the use of oil for cooking are dispelled and important implications for a healthy diet are touched upon. The Directory which forms the main part of the book features over 100 oils, in each case looking at the history of the brand, its founders and its distinguishing taste. There is information on the land that the olives are grown on and how they are picked, together with unique characteristics about the oil-making process. At-a-glance information is provided on specific growing areas, annual produce, quality and other products available. Recipes from the users themselves offer a novel insight as to how they like to use their oil.