The premier full-colour guide to PC upgrade and repair is back - and better than ever! Now updated to cover all of the latest technologies, from Pentium III and USB to Firewire and DVD drives, this book remains the easiest guide available for visually oriented PC do-it-yourselfers, with more...Read more

FrontPage 2000 Simplified

by Ruth Maran

Published 2 May 2000
You're just getting your Webby feet wet. FrontPage 2000 Simplified is simply the easiest way to test the waters. Each task, such as adding clip art to your Web page, is shown in a two-page spread takes with full-color screenshots and breaks it into and step-by-step instructions that take...Read more

Read less and learn more. "Teach Yourself Microsoft(R) Office 2000 VISUALLY(TM) makes understanding the basics of this powerful suite of programs easy and fun. The book features beautiful 3D drawings that fully illustrate each topic. You also find clear, concise, and jargon-free descriptions, time-saving advice, and two-page color spreads...Read more

The easiest way to learn the basics of Excel 2000 is finally available! With every page filled with eye-catching screenshots and graphics, beginners will move to the head of the class in no time. Learn how to create complicated spreadsheets and incorporate them into other documents, presentations, or Web...Read more

This text offers a way to learn the basics of Word 2000 and then advance further with minimum reading. It shows readers how to get up and running with Microsoft Word, and includes many additional spreads covering publishing documents on the Internet and creating automated mailings.

Word 2000 Simplified

by Ruth Maran

Published 1 January 1999
Maran graphically shows readers how to get up and running with Word, with special attention given to publishing documents on the Internet, creating automated mailings, working with charts and tables, and desktop publishing.'

Creating Web Pages Simplified

by Ruth Maran

Published 7 January 1997
Trusted by more than 2.5 million readers, this method offers a unique four-color approach to teach beginners how to create Web pages. Illustrations are found on every page, helping users learn more with less reading.

Master Office 2000 Visually

by Ruth Maran

Published 12 May 1999
Microsoft Office is the most popular business software package on the planet, and with MASTER Microsoft Office 2000 VISUALLY you can dive into the entire Office suite with confidence and ease. Step-by-step instructions and 1,200 screenshots help you become an expert in all Office tools: * Create, edit, save,...Read more

"One picture is worth a thousand words." If you prefer instructions that show you rather than tell you, then this comprehensive reference is for you. Hundreds of succinctly captioned, step-by-step screen shots reveal how to accomplish more than 250 Windows(r) Me tasks, including: using Windows(r) MovieMaker; setting up a...Read more

This work covers the Windows Millennium Edition operating system with two-page colour spreads that provide instructions, screenshots and illustrations.

This visual guide provides step-by-step screen shots and over 500 concise, jargon-free instructions on how to use Windows 98. Bite-sized explanations trace Windows 98 tasks from start to finish, building the user's expertise quickly.