Volume I: Books I-IV (1517-19), translated into English and edited, with introduction and notes, by Alfred Percival Maudslay, M.A., Hon. Professor of Archaeology, National Museum, Mexico, concerning the discovery of Mexico and the expeditions of Francisco Hernandez de Cordova and Hernan Cortes, the march inland, and the war in Tlaxcala. The edition includes a bibliography of Mexico, pp. 311-68. First published: 1908. Volumes II-III: Books V-IX (1519-20) translated into English and edited, with introduction and notes, by Alfred Percival Maudslay, M.A., Hon. Professor of Archaeology, National Museum, Mexico, concerning the march to Mexico, the stay there, the expedition against Narvaez, the flight from Mexico, and the halt at Tepeaca. Together with the text descriptive of the maps and plans of the valley and city of Mexico, originally published separately in vol. 25 First published: 1910. Volume IV: Books X-XIII, relating the siege and capture of Mexico, 1521, and the ensuing settlement, translated into English and edited, with introduction and notes, by Alfred Percival Maudslay, M.A., Hon. Professor of Archaeology, National Museum, Mexico. First published: 1912.
Volume V: Books XIV-XVII, translated into English and edited, with introduction and notes, by Alfred Percival Maudslay, M.A., Hon. Professor of Archaeology, National Museum, Mexico, relating the expedition to Honduras, the return to Mexico, the rule of the Audiencia there, and the record of the conquistadores, with an appendix including the fifth letter of Cortes to the Emperor Charles V, 1526. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volumes first published in 1910-1916.