Translated and Annotated by William F. Sinclair, Bombay Civil Service (Retd.), with Further Notes and an Introduction by Donald Ferguson. The main text is a translation of: Relaciones de Pedro Teixeira d'el origen descendencia y svccession de los reyes de Persia, y de Harmuz, y de vn viage hecho por el mismo avtor dende la India Oriental hasta Italia por tierra. Amberes, 1610. Appendices: A, A short narrative of the origin of the kingdom of Harmuz and of its kings. B, Extracts from the Relation of the kings of Persia. C, A short account of the most notable provinces ... of Persia. D, Relation of the chronicle of the kings of Ormuz. Includes bibliographical references and index. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1902.