For courses in Earth Science.

The brief, paperback version of the best-selling Earth Science, 9/E, this text offers a user-friendly overview of the physical environment. It retains the hallmarks professors expect from Fred Lutgens and Ed Tarbuck-a student-friendly writing style, carefully crafted art program, and coverage of the most recent...

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The Earth

by Edward J Tarbuck and Frederick K Lutgens

Published February 1984
Surveying the basic topics of physical geology, this text is written in straighforward, non-technical language for the benefit of students with little or no college-level science experience. The text provides a sense of the observational techniques and reasoning processes, which foster a basic understanding of physical geology. A cornerstone...Read more

This text offers a user-friendly overview of our physical environment with balanced, up-to-date coverage of geology, oceanography, astronomy, and meteorology. The text takes full advantage of the subject's visual appeal - discussions are reinforced with colour photos - over 550 new to this edition. A designated home page is...Read more

4-color hardback text w/complete text-specific instructor and student print/media supplement package AMATYC/NCTM Standards of Content and Pedagogy integrated in Exercise Sets, Sourced-Data Applications (students are also asked to generate and interpret data), Scientific and Graphing Calculator Explorations Boxes, Mental Math exercises, Conceptual and Writing exercises, Group Activities and Chapter...Read more


by Elayn Martin-Gay

Published 15 May 1999

A combined introductory and intermediate algebra version of the Martin-Gay worktext splits. Two semesters of algebra under one cover. Text is a "cut and paste" of content taken from the split Martin-Gay worktexts; Introductory algebra 1/e and Intermediate Algebra 1/e 4-color worktext w/complete text-specific instructor and student media/print/web supplement...Read more

For courses in physical geology and introduction to geology

This ninth edition of Essentials of Geology offers completely updated material and an extensively revised design, yet retains the hallmarks instructors have come to expect from Lutgens and Tarbuck - a student-friendly writing style, outstanding illustrations by Dennis Tasa that...

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For college-level courses of combined introductory and intermediate algebra.

Elayn Martin-Gay's success as a developmental math author and teacher starts with a strong focus on mastering the basics through well-written explanations, innovative pedagogy and a meaningful, integrated program of learning resources. The revisions provide new pedagogy and resources...

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The Atmosphere

by Frederick K Lutgens and Edward J Tarbuck

Published 1 January 1979
This introduction to meteorology is designed for students following courses in geography and earth sciences.


by Elayn Martin-Gay

Published 21 December 1992
This book's clear, well-constructed and straightforward writing style makes it accessible to even the most apprehensive math students.The primary focus of the pedagogy, presentation and other elements is to ease the transition into algebra; for example, emphasis is placed on basic arithmetic operations within algebraic contexts. The Second Edition...Read more


by Margaret Lial and L Hestwood Dianne

Published 1 October 1998

This prealgebra text helps prepare students for higher-level math courses by integrating basic algebraic concepts early and continuing to revisit those concepts throughout the text. Student comprehension is aided by the friendly composition and current, relevant applications. Student motivation is increased by immersion in genuine and realistic mathematical situations.

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