The Dred Scott Decision

by Brendan January

Published 1 March 1998
Places the events relating to the 1857 Supreme Court decision regarding rights of slaves into the larger context of the conflict about slavery among the states.

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

by Brendan January

Published 1 September 1998
Describes the seven debates held from August to October 1858 between Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln who were campaigning for election as Illinois Senator.

Recounts the story of John Brown's failed rebellion in Harpers Ferry in 1859, intended to start a massive slave uprising in the South and the establishment of a state in the Allegheny Mountains for freed slaves.

The National Mall

by Brendan January

Published 1 September 2000
Describes the history of the National Mall, the buildings around it, and the special events that have been held there.

The Emancipation Proclamation

by Brendan January

Published 1 September 1997
Tells the story of the document which led eventually to the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment and relates the role of President Lincoln in freeing the slaves.

Assassination of Abe Lincoln

by Brendan January

Published 1 September 1998
Chronicles the events leading to the murder of President Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth in April 1865.

Fort Sumter

by Brendan January

Published 1 September 1997


by Brendan January

Published 1 March 1999
A history of Reconstruction, the period after the Civil War during which programs were implemented to bring the Confederate States back to the Union.