
Hg-Ho ... La-Zr

by B. Predel

Published 7 May 1997
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowledge of phase equilibria is indispensable. Also, information on the thermodynamical and crystallographical data of the systems under investigation is essential, and often metastable crystalline phases as well as quasicrystalline or amorphous alloys are of interest. Vol. IV/5 presents all these data. Because of the large amount available of experimental evidence and thermochemical calculations, a presentation in one volume, as it was realized several decades ago in the widely used book of M. Hansen "Aufbau der Zweistoff-Legierungen" proved to be impossible. So volume IV/5 had to be divided into several subvolumes which cover - in alphabetical order - all binary systems of importance. Subvolume IV/5g, the seventh of the series, deals with the systems Hg-Ho ... La-Zr. Further subvolumes are in preparation.


CA-CD ... Co-Zr

by B. Predel

Published 24 November 1993
For everyone concerned with the technology and application
of metals and alloys and with the development of new
metallic materials, a detailed knowledge of phase equilibria
is indispensable. Also, information on the thermodynamical
and crystallographical data of the systems under
investigation is essential, and often metastable crystalline
phases as well as quasicrystalline or amorphous alloys are
of interest. Volume IV/5 therefore presents all these data.
Because of the large amount available of experimental
evidence and thermochemical calculations, a presentation in
one volume, as it was realized several decades ago in the
widely used book of M. Hansen "Aufbau der
Zweistoff-Legierungen" proved to be impossible. So volume
IV/5 had to be divided into several subvolumes which cover -
in alphabetical order - all binary systems of importance.
Subvolume IV/5c, the third of the series, deals with the
systems Ca-Cd ... Co-Zr. Further subvolumes will follow


Cr-Cs ... Cu-Zr

by B. Predel

Published 17 November 1994
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowledge of phase equilibria is indispensable. Also, information on the thermodynamical and crystallographical data of the systems under investigation is essential, and often metastable crystalline phases as well as quasicrystalline or amorphous alloys are of interest. Vol. IV/5 therefore presents all these data. Because of the large amount available of experimental evidence and thermochemical calculations, a presentation in one volume, as it was realized several decades ago in the widely used book of M. Hansen "Aufbau der Zweistoff-Legierungen" proved to be impossible. So volume IV/5 had to be divided into several subvolumes which cover - in alphabetical order - all binary systems of importance. Subvolume IV/5d, the fourth of the series, deals with the systems Cr-Cs ... Cu-Zr. Further subvolumes will follow shortly.


Pu-Re ... Zn-Zr

by B. Predel

Published 15 June 1998
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowledge of phase equilibria is indispensable. Also, information on the thermodynamical and crystallographical data of the systems under investigation is essential, and often metastable crystalline phases as well as quasicrystalline or amorphous alloys are of interest. Vol. IV/5 presents all these data. Because of the large amount available of experimental evidence and thermochemical calculations, a presentation in one volume, as it was realized several decades ago in the widely used book of M. Hansen "Aufbau der Zweistoff-Legierungen" proved to be impossible. Thus volume IV/5 had to be divided into several subvolumes which cover - in alphabetical order - all binary systems of importance. Subvolume IV/5J, the tenth and last of the series, deals with the systems Pu-Re ... Zn-Zr.


Ac-Au ... Au-Zr

by B. Predel

Published 10 December 1991
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowledge of phase equilibria is indispensable. Also, information on the thermodynamical and crystallographical data of the systems under investigation is essential, and often metastable crystalline phases as well as quasicrystalline or amorphous alloys are of interest. Vol. IV/5 therefore presents all these data. Because of the large amount available of experimental evidence and thermochemical calculations, a presentation in one volume, as it was realized several decades ago in the widely used book of M. Hansen "Aufbau der Zweistoff-Legierungen" proved to be impossible. So volume IV/5 had to be divided into several subvolumes which cover - in alphabetical order - all binary systems of importance. Subvolume IV/5a, the first of the series, deals with the systems Ac-Au ... Au-Zr. Further subvolumes will follow shortly.


Dy-Er ... Fr-Mo

by B. Predel

Published 9 June 1995
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowledge of phase equilibria is indispensable. Also, information on the thermodynamical and crystallographical data of the systems under investigation is essential, and often metastable crystalline phases as well as quasicrystalline or amorphous alloys are of interest. Vol. IV/5 therefore presents all these data. Because of the large amount available of experimental evidence and thermochemical calculations, a presentation in one volume, as it was realized several decades ago in the widely used book of M. Hansen "Aufbau der Zweistoff-Legierungen" proved to be impossible. So volume IV/5 had to be divided into several subvolumes which cover - in alphabetical order - all binary systems of importance. Subvolume IV/5e, the fifth of the series, deals with the systems Dy-Er ... Fr-Mo. Further subvolumes will follow shortly.