Book 2

The Road to Irriyan

by Louise Lawrence

Published 8 January 1996

The second book in the gripping Llandor Trilogy.

Woken from the long, herb-induced sleep by the encroaching presence of the Grimthane, Roderick, Craig and Carrie take to the vast underground caves and passages of the old city of the giants in their attempt to reach Irriyan and safety. Led by goblins and a dwarf, they are forced away from familiar territory by the vicious shape-changer, Merrigan, and must rush from the dwarf's stronghold to escape the massive rock trolls. In desperate peril, Roderick acts selflessly to save Llandor.

Book 3

Flight from Mordican

by Louise Lawrence

Published 3 June 1996
Completes the Llandor trilogy, which began with "Journey through Llandor" and continued with "The Road to Irriyan". Roderick's ploy of posing as Craig has failed and he is thrown into jail to await execution. Meanwhile Carrie is finding that her power keeps her safe from enemies.

The Shadow of Mordican

by Louise Lawrence

Published 7 April 1997
Desperate to reach Seers' Keep, Carrie is nevertheless overwhelmed by the peace and enchantment of the land of Irriyan. But the opportunity to settle there vanishes with the appearance of the mysterious White Mage, Gerwyn, who has a thoroughly different destination in mind. Both Carrie and he call upon the elements in their battle for supremacy, but Carrie's power is too new and untried to be a match for Gerwyn's, and soon she and Craig are unmistakeably being drawn towards Mordican ...

Journey Through Llandor

by Louise Lawrence

Published 10 July 1995

The first book of Louise Lawrence's gripping Llandor Trilogy.

Roderick, Carried and Craig - on their chase through the forest - find themselves crashing into a frighteningly alien world of terrifying monsters and strange beings. Unable to find their way out, they are befriended by Janine, the elf girl, and many others, as they are forced headlong into a flight through Llandor, pursued by the evil presence of the Grimthane.