Rhyming text presents related words, such as short and long, page and book, and night and moon.

Rhyming text presents examples of words that go together, such as "top goes with bottom, down goes with up," "fat goes with skinny, short goes with long," and "night goes with moon and day goes with sun."


by Bonnie Dobkin

Published 1 October 1997
An avid collector enumerates all the things that have been collected, from twenty-three keychains and fifty-one shells to a ball of tin foil five feet wide.

Just a Little Different

by Bonnie Dobkin

Published 1 September 1994
A child relates how he and his best friend, who is in a wheelchair, are both alike and different.

Everybody Says

by Bonnie Dobkin

Published 1 September 1993
A boy proud of his individuality proclaims his love of raw carrots, rainy days, and his pet iguana.