One Dark and Scary Night

by Bill Cosby

Published 1 February 1999
One night, little Bill is positive there are mean things in his dark closet and that they are just dying to get him. Only when Alice the great performs a magical tucking-in trick do the mean things go away for good.

Shipwreck Saturday

by Bill Cosby

Published 1 March 1998
Although his brother's friends make fun of it, Little Bill is very proud of the toy boat he has built and very upset when it is wrecked the first time he puts it in the water.

The Meanest Thing to Say

by Bill Cosby

Published 1 January 1997
When a new boy in his second grade class tries to get the other students to play a game that involves saying the meanest things possible to one another, Little Bill shows him a better way to make friends.

Day I Saw My Father Cry

by Bill Cosby

Published 1 January 2000
Although Little Bill is sad when a friend of the family dies, he remembers the friend's lesson of saying "Merry Christmas" to get people to stop fighting.

The Day I Was Rich

by Bill Cosby

Published 1 July 1999
When Little Bill finds a huge diamond, he and his friends explore their fantasies about what to do with his new-found wealth--a bedroom with a built-in basketball court and maid service, for example! Full color.

Treasure Hunt

by Bill Cosby

Published 1 January 1997
One rainy day while his father listens to his old records, his mother polishes a silver platter, and his brother enjoys his baseball card collection, Little Bill discovers his own treasure, a talent for storytelling.

The Best Way to Play

by Bill Cosby

Published 1 January 1997
Little Bill and his friends, avid fans of the television show "Space Explorers," clamor to get the video game version, but they find that they have more fun using their imagination while playing outside.

My Big Lie

by Bill Cosby

Published 1 January 1999
Little Bill gets in big trouble when he tells a fib to explain why he has come home late for dinner.

Money Troubles

by Bill Cosby

Published 1 June 1998
While trying to raise enough money for a telescope, Little Bill makes a discovery about generosity and the needs of others.

The Worst Day of My Life

by Bill Cosby

Published 1 September 1999
Little Bill's parents expect him to dress up and act like a gentleman during their party, even though he would rather be playing soccer with his friends.

Little Bill and his teammates are excited to begin baseball practice, but they cannot agree on the team name.

Super-Fine Valentine

by Bill Cosby

Published 1 January 1998