Book 1

When FTSE 100 CEO's were polled and asked the question, "Are your sales people calling on the right customers, at the right time, with the right offer?" 99.3% responded, "I don't know." Which shouldn't surprise. Sales and Marketing are still the last bastions of protected turf, limited management scrutiny and lack of accountability. Unfortunately, the important lessons learned and the gains in effectiveness and efficiency derived from lean manufacturing have not been successfully translated to the Sales and Marketing environments. And, it's understandable. Sales involves people doing business with people, not people doing activities with machines and processes. Sales is perceived to be more of an art form than a science. Yet, ironically, Sales is virtually a pure science and, as such, is both measurable and predictable. If we are correct, the disciplines of Lean can easily be applied to the Sales and Marketing functions resulting in significant increases in effectiveness and bottom line results.

5s Home

by Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA

Published 6 March 2013
There are some people who think there is no place for 5s Lean at home. Just like those who say you can't bake without ovens! The 5S process of Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain is a lean manufacturing process in use by the Toyota Production System for decades. The premise of 5S is to help organize and improve the work conditions of a workplace. Yet this process can also be used for home as well. These steps can help you get your home organized now and keep it that way in the future.

Lean Startup

by Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA

Published 3 June 2014

Lean Marketing

by Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA

Published 8 April 2013
The word Lean marketing has been one of the buzzwords of business for a few years now, but beneath the buzzword lays a strong, successful and above all common sense strategy. The Lean Marketing process is actually nothing new. The business tactics it employs are all well known and widely used. Despite this most businesses do not follow them in any particular order or manner. What makes Lean Marketing special is that it organizes its techniques in to a coherent, easy to follow strategy. These steps can be followed step by step to not only launch a successful business, but stop you from launching an unsuccessful business. The key aspects of lean marketing are: * Market Targeting * Validation * Minimum Viable Product * Goals * Improvement * Scale-ability This sounds like common sense, but how can you apply it to marketing? Find out more in this book.

Lean IT

by Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA

Published 3 June 2014

Lean Handbook

by Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA

Published 20 March 2013
Lean handbook's intention is to gather into a single reference the information related to lean tools, system and implementation. This book will enhance your understanding of the lean principles as a whole and give you a more holistic look at lean. This comprehensive handbook covers all the topics included in all of our lean books. Written with contributions from a team of lean experts with years of experience in the field, it will be indispensible to anyone interested in implementing and sustaining a lean initiative. This book was written to give a simple explanation of Lean for anyone to understand. It is meant for engineers, purchasing agents, company clerks, newspaper reporters, schoolteachers, or anyone else who wants to find out about Lean. It is by no means a complete text on Lean, but does include an addendum that will point the way to further Lean knowledge for anyone who is interested.


by Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA

Published 14 August 2014

5s is an integral part of the Lean Healthcare process which promotes "A Place for Everything and Everything is in its Place". When 5s is performed as the first step of a Lean Healthcare effort, processes become more visible and identified "waste" is cleaned out. While change is often perceived with a sense of apprehension, participants in the 5s program begin to taste change as something that can be positive and even fun, paving the way for a true Lean Healthcare transformation. 5s clearly communicates that management is willing to allow the employees to be involved in the process of change. The goal of 5s is to have a workstation and office area that is Joint Commission ready at all times. 5s creates a neat, clean and orderly environment that will become a source of lasting pride for all employees.

Lean Accounting

by Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA

Published 8 July 2013
Lean Accounting supports the principle of eliminating waste and streamlining the business processes to create maximum value. So lean management accounting metrics is all about breaking away from traditional cost accounting cost objects like product or job and is driven by a new cost object 'Value Stream'. As part of lean accounting exercise, we define the scope of value stream cost object and map the business process activities to this cost object. Lean accounting helps organisations going through lean transformation to develop their management accounting systems to support the lean philosophy. Traditional accounting systems (particularly standard costing) result in decisions which are anti-lean.

5s for Supervisors

by Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA

Published 21 February 2013
Do you want to be the slave of your working environment, or its master? Do you want your working area to help you to do your job, or to hinder your efforts? Do you want to be rushing to complete your tasks, or have time to take pride in them? 5S is a Workplace Organisation system that enables you to be the master of your work area, a work area that helps you to do your job instead of hindering you, so that you have time to take pride in your efforts. It is there to enable you to get each activity right the first time, every time. Don't get caught up in the message that 5S is a discipline of managers over workers. If you have been taught that, then the teacher didn't know what they were talking about. 5S involves everyone, from directors to the guy who sweeps the floor. It benefits everyone. It depends on everyone. For the system to work, no-one can hide. Everyone has to be involved, everyone has to contribute.

I am encouraged to see healthcare leaders looking beyond the ways they have always done things in the past to implementing innovative solutions such as Lean to curb the industry's skyrocketing costs, poor quality, nursing shortages and employee dissatisfaction; all symptoms of deeper problems inherent in the system itself. Today's forward looking healthcare providers have realized the financial and moral imperatives for improving quality and safety and eliminating waste as strategies for responding to their pressing challenges. Lean Healthcare (adapted from the Toyota Production System) is not just for manufacturing or another short-term fix; it's a way to transform an entire organization into a safe and high-quality, high-performing healthcare delivery system. If implemented properly, it can be the "how to" for managing change and creating continuous improvement.