When Tara visits Dino Pond, she rescues three baby birds and is thanked by the mother bird!

Where's Mommy?

by Steve Metzger

Published 1 March 1998
School is over for the day and the Dinofours are all going home. But where is Danielle's mommy? Danielle finds that helping Mrs. Dee clean up the classroom takes her mind off waiting -- and it's fun, too!

It's Time-out Time!

by Steve Metzger

Published 1 May 1998
Brendan treats others impolitely in class and ends up in a chair by himself. When his time-out is over, the young dinofour proves to his class that he understands the importance of self-control.

It's Fire Drill Day!

by Steve Metzger

Published 1 September 1998
Albert is afraid of the loud noises on fire drill day. With Mrs. Dee's comforting words and an important message about fire safety, Albert discovers the drill isn't so bad after all.

The first day of school isn't easy and Albert and Brendan both miss their mommies!

It's Pumpkin Day!

by Steve Metzger

Published 1 October 2001
Just before Halloween, Albert brings the perfect pumpkin to school and is dismayed when the other students want to turn it into a jack-o-lantern.

It's Thanksgiving

by Steve Metzger

Published 1 January 1949
On the day before Thanksgiving, Brendan is angry because he cannot do anything that he wants and finds it difficult at school to think of anything for which he is thankful.

I'm Not Your Friend!

by Steve Metzger

Published 1 August 1997