
by Joanna Cole

Published 1 February 1996

Liz Busca Un Hogar

by Joanna Cole

Published 1 January 1999

Inside the Human Body

by Joanna Cole

Published January 1990

Dentro de Una Colmena

by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen

Published 1 January 1998

To celebrate its 20th anniversary, Scholastic is re-releasing the ten original Magic School Bus titles in paperback. With updated scientific information, the bestselling science series ever is back!

Rock collecting has never been quite like this! When the class forgets to do its homework, a fieldtrip through the...Read more

El Autobus Magica Explota

by Joanna Cole and Gail Herman

Published 1 February 1996

Liz Pone Orden

by Joanna Cole

Published 1 January 1999

En el Sistema Solar

by Joanna Cole

Published 1 July 1994