Book 12

La Societe Integree

by Simon Laflamme

Published 1 February 1993
Au carrefour des approches economique, communicationnelle et sociologique, ce livre tente de construire un modele qui permettra d'etudier tout a la fois la circulation des biens, des idees et des personnes. Ce modele se veut dialectique et il a pour fondement l'echange. Le livre compte quatre parties. La premiere presente une epistemologie de base et tente d'inscrire le principe d'echange dans la tradition des sciences sociales. La deuxieme essaie de montrer l'importance et les consequences d'une approche relationnelle a laquelle se rattache le principe d'echange. La troisieme cherche a combiner le concept de pouvoir et celui d'echange. La quatrieme, enfin, construit un modele pour une analyse de la societe integree. Positioned at the crossroads of economy, communications, and sociology this book constructs a model to concurrently study the circulations of goods, ideas, and people. The model presented is a dialectical one based on the principle of exchange. The book falls into four parts. The first presents the basic epistemology and attempts to write the principle of exchange into the tradition of the social sciences.
The second part demonstrates the importance and consequence of linking the principle of exchange to a relational approach. The third part seeks to combine the concepts of power and exchange while the final part presents an Model for the analysis of integrated society.