The Great Mother

by Erich Neumann

Published 21 February 1964

Neumann examines how the Feminine has been experienced and expressed in many cultures from prehistory to our own time. Appearing as goddess and demon, gate and pillar, garden and tree, hovering sky and containing vessel, the Feminine is seen as an essential factor in the dialectical relation of individual consciousness, symbolized by the child, to the ungraspable matrix, symbolized by the Great Mother.

Amor And Psyche

by Erich Neumann

Published 21 January 1956
First Published in 1999.This is Volume V of twelve in the Analytical Psychology series. Written in 1956, this text provides the tale of Amor and Psyche from the Metamorphoses or Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius with a commentary on the psychic development of the feminine.

The Origins and History of Consciousness is an important and wide-ranging interpretation of the relations between psychology and mythology. Erich Neumann undertakes to show that the individual consciousness passes through the same archetypal stages of development that marked the history of human consciousness as a whole. He draws upon the full range of world myth in the illustration of his thesis, and his account makes unexpectedly fresh and lively reading in a field not always notable for these qualities. Neumann ends the work with a trenchant commentary on contemporary society.