Book 1

Doctor Who Out of Time - 1

by Matt Fitton

Published 31 October 2020
This is the first volume of an explosive new full cast audio series! Two more volumes will be produced, each story featuring a pairing of two doctors, fighting a common enemy. The Cathedral of Contemplation is an enigma, existing outside time. It turns through history, opening its doors across the universe to offer solace to those in need. Occasionally, the Doctor drops in - when he's avoiding his destiny, it's an ideal place to get some perspective. Only, he's already there several lives earlier, so when dimension barriers break down, his past and present collide. And when the Daleks invade and commandeer the Cathedral, two Doctors must unite to stop them - or face extermination twice over! CAST: Tom Baker (The Doctor), David Tennant (The Doctor), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks), Kathryn Drysdale (Jora), Claire Rushbrook (The Abbess/Marna), Nicholas Asbury (Captain Zenna/Kivall). Other parts played by members of the cast.