Book 14

The Trellisane Confrontation

by David Dvorkin

Published 1 September 1989

The Treallisane Confrontation

The U.S.S Enterprise has rushed to war-torn Trellisane! Kirk is on the bridge of a Klingon warship, McCoy is dining with cannibals, and the ship is surrounded by Romulans. In the Neutral Zone, power is up for grabs. Now only the ingenuity and raw courage of the Enterprise crew can avert catastrophe!


by David Dvorkin

Published 1 June 1988
In a remote area of Federation space, the "Enerprise picks up an urgent distress signal -- from a Klingon vessel! Tracing the S.O.S., the crew finds the Klingon cruiser Mauler, trapped in a dimensional storm of unprecedented power. Yet paradoxically, the ship refuses both the "Enterprise's call and the offers of help. Determined to discover what the Klingons are doing in Federation space, Kirk beams aboard their ship with a security team, just as the storm flares to its highest intensity. As the bridge crew watches in horror, Mauler vanishes from the "Enterprise's viewscreen... And James T. Kirk hundred years in the future.