
by Diane Carey

Published 1 October 1999
Captain Janeway believed she commanded the only Starfleet vessel in the Delta Quadrant -- until the U.S.S. Voyager™ came to the rescue of the U.S.S. Equinox, a battered starship besieged by a ravening horde of extradimensional predators.
Helmed by Captain Rudolph Ransom, the Equinox has been trapped in the Delta Quadrant even longer than the Voyager and the ship and its crew show the scars of a constant struggle to survive. But Ransom and his people are hiding something as well: a shocking secret that will ultimately pit captain against captain, starship against starship, in an explosive conflict that may cost Voyager the life of her captain!
A powerful novel based on the thrilling two-part television adventure!


by Diane Carey

Published 7 January 1997
A hundred years before the Starship Voyager was transported to the Delta Quadrant, Lieutenant Tuvok served under one of Starfleet's most famous officers: Captain Hikaru Sulu of the Starship Excelsior. Now those days have come back to haunt him. While traveling through an uncharted nebula, Tuvok is besieged by recurring memories of his time with Captain Sulu-- repressed memories that may well kill him unless their source is determined in time. To save her closest friend, Captain Kathryn Janeway follows Tuvok to the century-old bridge of the Excelsior during a desperate battle. There Tuvok, Captain Janeway, Captain Sulu and Commander Janice Rand must face a menace to galactic life unlike anything known before...