Your Own Interview

by Ros Jay

Published 30 June 2002

Going to a Meeting

by Ros Jay

Published 30 June 2002

Fast Thinking Proposal

by Ros Jay

Published 31 October 2000
Write a persuasive proposal - fast You know you should have started it earlier and that you can't ignore it any longer. That all important proposal the MD is expecting is due tomorrow and you're just not quite sure how to tackle it, and certainly not in the time you've got left. Writing proposals is a central management skill but no one ever teaches us how. This book will only take an hour to read and it will tell you everything you need to know to write a truly impressive and convincing proposal. *Make your case *Write it well *Be very persuasive

Fast Thinking Flying Start

by Ros Jay

Published 20 December 2000
Congratulations on your new job! Feeling nervous? Starting a new job is exciting, but it can be nerve-wracking too. What if you make a fool of yourself? What if you can't do the job? What if you don't get on with anyone? What if you fail to make your mark on the organization? What if you make a bad impression? These are typical fears that we all have when we start a new job, whether it's a move within the company or a move to a completely new organization. And you've got to get it right first time. This book contains everything you need to know to get off to a flying start in the first two or three days (with the modern speed of work, that's all the time youll have before you get stuck deep into the job). But that's all you need. This book will take you through all the different aspects of getting started in your new role - from getting to know the people to establishng your objectives - regardless of whether your new employers also give you an induction course of their own.

Fast Thinking Team Meeting

by Ros Jay

Published 1 November 2000
Plan and run an effective meeting - fast So which team meeting is it this time? Project team? Inter-departmental meeting? Team briefing? Whatever it is you need time to prepare for it effectively - but what time? You meant to start planning for it days ago, but somehow the work caught up with you - probably even overtook you - and you're down to your last few minutes. The meeting is in an hour and you haven't started thinking about it yet. Until now. What you need is a brief guide to planning and running effective team meetings on the hoof. Well you got it. This book contains everything you need to know to plan and prepare for your meetings. *Keep your focus *Handle people well *Make it productive

Fast Thinking Decision

by Ros Jay

Published 6 December 2000
It's decision time. It has reached the point where not making a decision is worse than having to make it, but you're worried you'll make the wrong decision. This book will guide you quickly and easily through the process, so that before you know it the decision will be clear. In an ideal world, there would be more time, but with a deadline looming, here are all the tips, shortcusts and checklists you need to help you make the right decision - fast and smart. "A pacy look at decision-making, including an interesting section on thinking more creatively so as to generate more options. Good for those who need to make important decisions in a hurry." - Management Today

Fast Thinking Crisis

by Ros Jay

Published 31 October 2000
Stay cool through the toughest situation - fast *Deliver bad news *Manage tough situations *Limit the damage Don't panic. There you were, carrying on as normal when out the blue...disaster strikes. Computer crashes, Half the department off and it's the day of the big launch? Food poisoning in the canteen? And were you ready for this one? Of course not, or it wouldn't be a crisis. This book will get you through any crisis fast, because once you've learnt the basic rules for crisis handling, you can apply them to every disaster. With cool, well-thought out crisis handling, you can come through disaster looking even better than you did before you started.

Fast Thinking Difficult People

by Ros Jay

Published 7 December 2000
Life moves fast enough these days to keep you working at break-neck speed most of the time. What you can really do without is problem people who create unpleasantness and difficulties and just plain slow you down. In this age of fast working, difficult people aren't suddenly going to change personality overnight. So you're going to have to do the work instead. And it's not so bad really. Once you know the techniques for handling these people, you'll find it comes naturally before long. Whether they are domineering, or they constantly pass the buck, whether they are sulkers or just plain whingy, there are techniques for getting the best from everyone and making your own job a damn sight easier. This book is about difficult people wherever you encounter them at work, whether they are colleagues, bosses or your own team members.

Fast Thinking New Beginner

by Ros Jay

Published 7 December 2000
So, you've got a new beginner starting in your department tomorrow - a new team member. Brilliant. You sure could do with another pair of hands. But who is going to show this new team member their duties? Who is going to show them where the coffee machine is? Do you have any company systems to introduce this new person successfully to your working practices and conventions? You have less than 24 hours to learn, understand and put into place a full and complete induction programme. But don't panic. Help is at hand. This book is your guide to the wonderful world of induction - the new beginner's programme for starting a new job. It cuts out the waffle and tells you what you really need to know about how to introduce a new team member successfully and efficiently, and how to make them truly feel at home.

Fast Thinking Work Overload

by Ros Jay

Published 2 November 2000
Get back on top of your workload - fast Your in-tray is the height of a small tower block, you can't find your phone under the pile of to-do lists and post-it notes, your boss wants to see you in five minutes and you're due at a vital meeting in fifteen minutes. Sound familiar? If you are one of the millions of people who whom work is always frantic and there just aren't enough hours in the day then this book is for you. It will show how to clear that backlog of work now by setting aside yourself a day, or even less and how to avoid the same situation building up again in the future. *Create more time *Tackle the backlog *Get it cleared

Fast Thinking Presentation

by Ros Jay

Published 1 November 2000
Prepare a perfect presentation - fast You're running out of time and that important pitch is looming. You've got to win this customer over and you only have hours left to write that presentation. Or maybe you have to persuade your board of directors to invest in your new website. Whatever the objective, you should have left yourself more time but we all know that's not always how it works. Life's too fast in the modern business world and you just don't have the time. This book will help you think fast and think smart. You can't do justice to an all-day presentation to 200 people but this book will show you how a smaller presentation can be done with very little preparation time and still win over your audience: *Make your case *Get it across *Win people over

Fast Thinking Project

by Ros Jay

Published 7 December 2000
You've got 24 hours to go, and a list of jobs as long as your arm.  Well, you would have, anyway, if you had time to write out the list.  Why is it that so many projects seem to come on top of the rest of the work, rather than in place of it?  If you have a press launch or an office party to organize, a corporate newsletter to get out or an exhibition appearance to arrange, your routine work doesn't make way for it.    That's why small but vital projects so often get pushed to the back of the queue.  There is good news, however, the basic guidelines for managing a project are consistent whatever the project, and whatever it's size.  And they're all in this book.  Here you'll find everything you need to get your project completed on time, even if you're not starting it until the eleventh hour (or even later).

Fast Thinking Selection Interview

by Ros Jay

Published 1 November 2000
Get the right person for the job - fast Selection is a skilled process; it's not just about an informal chat and following your gut decision. You've got two days until the interviews start even though it seemed like only yesterday that the ad went out. You haven't started sifting through the applicants yet or finalised the questions you want to ask. Help is at hand. This high-speed handbook will whisk you though the selection process. Although it may seem like an impossible task with so little time it will help you to ensure that you end up selecting the right applicant for the job. It will help you to: *Sift applications fast *Interview effectively *Make a good decision