Book 20

The Vulcan Academy Murders

by Jean Lorrah

Published 2 November 1987
A thrilling and suspenseful murder mystery set in the Star Trek: The Original Series.

Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy accompany Spock to the Vulcan Academy Hospital in search of an experimental treatment for a badly wounded Enterprise crew member. But with Spock's mother also a patient in the hospital, Kirk soon becomes involved in the complex drama of Spock's family.

Suddenly, patients are dying, and Kirk suspects the unthinkable-murder on Vulcan! But can he convince the Vulcans that something as illogical as murder is possible? Until the killer is caught, everyone is in danger!

IDIC Epidemic

by Jean Lorrah

Published 2 January 1990
The Idic Epidemic I.D.I.C -- Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination. More than just a simple credo, for those of the planet Vulcan it is the cornerstone of their philosophy. Now, on the Vulcan Science Colony Nisus, that credo of tolerance is being being put to its sternest test. For here, on a planet where Vulcan, human, Klingon, and countless other races live and work side by side, a deadly plague whose origins has sprung up. Aplague whose origins are somehow rooted in the concept of I.D.I.C. itself. A plague that threatens to tear down that centuries-old maxim and replace it with an even older concept. Intersellar War