Book 19

Wounded Sky

by Diane Duane

Published 1 December 1983
An alien scientist invents the Intergalactic Inversion Drive, an engine system that transcends warp drive, and the U.S.S. Enterprise will be the first to test it! The Klingons attempt to thwart the test, but a greater danger looms when strange symptoms surface among the crew, and time becomes meaningless....Read more

Book 21

My Enemy, My Ally

by Diane Duane

Published 1 July 1984
Ael t' Rlailiiu is a noble and dangerous Romulan Commander. But when the Romulans kidnap Vulcans to genetically harness their mind power, Ael decides on treason. Captain Kirk, her old enemy, joins her in a secret pact to destroy the research laboratory and free the captive Vulcans. When the...Read more

Book 35

They are a race of warriors, a noble people to whom honor is all. They are cousin to the Vulcan, ally to the Klingon, and Starfleet's most feared and cunning adversary. They are the Romulans, and for eight years, Federation Agent Terise LoBrutto has hidden in their midst. Now...Read more

Book 35

Romulan Way

by Diane Duane

Published 1 August 1987
They are a race of warriors, a noble people to whom honor is all. They are cousin to the Vulcan, ally to the Klingon, and Starfleet's most feared and cunning adversary. They are the Romulans -- and for eight years, Federation Agent Terise LoBrutto has hidden in their midst....Read more

Book 50

Doctor's Orders

by Diane Duane

Published 1 June 1990
When Dr. McCoy grumbles once too often about the way the U.S.S. Enterprise ought to be run, Captain Kirk decides to leave the doctor in command while he oversees a routine diplomatic mission. Kirk beams down to a strange planet nicknamed "Flyspeck" to negotiate its admission into the Federation,...Read more

Spock's World

by Diane Duane

Published 15 June 1989
Reveals the truth about Star Trek's Mr Spock and his home planet Vulcan. Set in the 23rd century, a crisis has summoned the USS Enterprise to bring Vulcan's most famous son home in its hour of need.