Book 1

The Time of the Wolf

by James Wilde

Published 10 October 2012
"1062, a time many fear is the End of Days. With the English King Edward heirless and ailing, across the grey seas in Normandy the brutal William the Bastard waits for the moment when he can drown England in a tide of blood. The ravens of war are gathering. But as the king's closest advisors scheme and squabble amongst themselves, hopes of resisting the naked ambition of the Norman duke come to rest with just one man: Hereward. To some a ruthless warrior and master tactician, to others a devil in human form, Hereward is as adept in the art of warfare as the foes that gather to claim England's throne. But in his country's hour of greatest need, his enemies at court have made him an outlaw. To stay alive-and a free man-he must carve a bloody swathe from the frozen lands outside the court, in this evocative tale of a man whose deeds will become the stuff of legend."--Dust jacket.

Book 2

The Winter Warrior

by James Wilde

Published 1 January 2013

1067. Following the devastating destruction of the Battle of Hastings, William the Bastard and his men have descended on England. Villages are torched; men, women and children are put to the sword as the Norman king attempts to impose his cruel will upon this unruly nation. But there is one who stands in the way of the invader's savagery. He is called Hereward. He is a warrior and master tactician and as adept at battle as the imposter who sits upon the throne. And he is England's last hope.

In a Fenlands fortress of water and wild wood, Hereward's resistance is simmering. His army of outcasts grows by the day—a devil's army that emerges out of the mists and the night, leaving death in its wake. But William is not easily cowed. Under the command of his ruthless deputy, Ivo Taillebois—the man they call 'the Butcher'—the Norman forces will do whatever it takes to crush the rebels, even if it means razing England to the ground. Here then is the tale of the bloodiest rebellion England has ever known—the beginning of an epic struggle that will change England forever.

End of Days

by James Wilde

Published 4 July 2013

England, 1071.

Five years have passed since the crushing Norman victory at the Battle of Hastings. The country reels under the savage rule of the new king, the one they call 'the Bastard.' The North has been left a wasteland—villages razed, innocents put to the sword, land stolen. It seems no atrocity is too great to ensure William's grip upon the crown. 

And now he turns his cold gaze east, towards the last stronghold of the English resistance. After years of struggle, he will brook no further challenge to his power: his vast army masses and his siege machines are readied.

In their fortress on the Isle of Ely, the English have put their faith in the only man who might defeat the murderous invaders. He is called Hereward. He is a warrior and a master tactician - as adept at slaughter as his enemy and plans have been been set in motion for a bloody uprising that will sweep the Norman king off the throne once and for all.

But Hereward is missing. With their hopes of victory dwindling, can the English rebels find the leader who seems to have abandoned them before William the Bastard begins his final, devastating assault that will truly be the end of days?

Here is a tale of heroism and treachery—and the bloodiest rebellion England has ever known.

The Bloody Crown

by James Wilde

Published 28 July 2016

Hereward's story concludes in this brutal, bloody and thrilling page-turner - perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden.

"With great gusto...James Wilde has succeeded in giving new and convincing life to a half-forgotten English hero." -- BBC HISTORY MAGAZINE

"Vividly describes those turbulent, dismal years...thi
s is a masterful tale, graphic and gory, and loaded with medieval history." -- PUBLISHERS WEEKLY

"A truly spell-binding series...masterfully done." -- PARMENIAN BOOKS

"Loved every minute." -- ***** Reader review

"Wonderful storytelling" -- ***** Reader review

"Full of twists and turns, aside factual events, recommended to all readers who enjoy battles and honour seeped in last events" -- ***** Reader review



1081: The bloody battle for the crown of the Holy Roman Empire begins.

Within the city of Constantinople itself, three mercenary factions will go to any lengths, including murder, to seize the throne.

And outside the city's walls, twin powers threaten a siege that will crush the once-mighty empire forever: to the west, the voracious forces of the most feared Norman warlord are gathering, while in the east, the Turkish hordes are massing - theirs is a lust for slaughter.

And in the midst of this maelstrom of brutality and betrayal, Hereward and his English spear-brothers prepare to make what could be their final stand . . .

Hereward: The Bloody Crown is the final book in James Wilde's six book Hereward series. Have you read Hereward, Hereward: The Devil's Army, Hereward: End of Days, Hereward: Wolves of New Rome andHereward: The Immortals- the first five books in the series?

The Immortals

by James Wilde

Published 13 August 2015

The story of Hereward continues in this fast-paced page-turner full of treachery, camaraderie, sword- play and honour - the perfect read for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden.

"Hereward is back and every year he gets better and better...a unique, immersive, truly historic experience." -- PARMENION BOOKS

"Wilde has a keen eye for action matched with a talent for plotting that makes each new Hereward adventure a joy to read" -- THE ELOQUENT PAGE
"With great gusto...James Wilde has succeeded in giving new and convincing life to a half-forgotten English hero." -- BBC HISTORY MAGAZINE
"Another page-turner, edge-of-seat read with more cliffhanging action, drama and battles than Game of Thrones and The Bourgois put together!" -- ***** Reader review
"Outstanding battle scenes, character development, and a feeling of you-are-there. Highly recommended." -- ***** Reader review



: Under the merciless sun of the East, a dark force has risen - a Norman adventurer with intensely bloody ambition. He has conquered his land, he has built his fortress and he has amassed his army. And now he has taken Constantinople's ruler as his prisoner...

It falls to Hereward to rescue this precious captive. For this great English warrior-in-exile and his spear-brothers, it will mean mounting a raid that could prove the most dangerous of their lives.

Assisting them in their task will be an elite and legendary band of fighters, the Immortals - so-called because they believe they cannot die in battle.

But it will not be enough - for enemies hide within the jewelled heart of Byzantium who want to see the English dead at any cost. They will transform a mission that was at best dangerous into an adventure that is now suicidal. . .

Hereward: The Immortals is the fifth book in James Wilde's six book Hereward series. His story continues in Hereward: The Bloody Crown. Have you read Hereward, Hereward: The Devil's Army, Hereward: End of Days and Hereward: Wolves of New Rome- the first four books in the series?


by James Wilde

Published 23 June 2011

One of England's forgotten heroes is brought back to life in this epic and thrilling high-octane adventure, perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden.

"The story moves at a wonderful pace...great swathes of bloodletting and a kickass arc...Great stuff." -- FALCATATIMES.COM
"Exciting and enthralling... fast paced action, strong believable characters; this is an excellent exemplar of the historical novel. Recommended." -- HISTORICAL NOVELS REVIEW
"I thoroughly enjoyed this book from the start..."- ***** Reader review.
"I'm off to read the next instalment now..." - ***** Reader review.



1062. King Edward has no heirs and, across the sea in Normandy, William the Bastard is preparing to seize the throne.

As the King's court is rife with squabbling and scheming, the nation's hopes of resisting the Normans lie with one man: the warrior Hereward.

But Hereward has been outlawed and is on the run. Can he keep his freedom and his life in order to save the land he loves?

Hereward is the first book in James Wilde's six book Hereward series. His story continues in Hereward: The Devil's Army.

The story of Hereward continues in this action-packed, brutal and bloody novel - a must read for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden.

"An author who really does deliver the goods...I've relished every page so far and I am left hungry for more. If you're a fan of historical fiction... you need to be reading James Wilde." -- THE ELOQUENT PAGE

"Unforgettable...James Wilde has succeeded in turning Hereward into a vital, living, breathing, death-dealing, honest, fallible, believable human being. A worthy adversary for William and the Normans." -- SPEESH

"I couldn't put it down!" - ***** Reader review.

"A real page-turner and I read the Devil's Army in two days..." -- ***** Reader review.



1067: The Battle of Hastings is lost and England is in the grips of William The Bastard, a cruel king set upon imposing his will on the unruly nation.

But there is one who stands in his way. Hereward: a warrior; a shrewd and ruthless fighter; England's last hope.

His army of outcasts - a devil's army - grows by the day and emerges at night leaving death in its wake. The Normans will do whatever it takes to crush the rebels - but the rebels have no plans to surrender...

Hereward: The Devil's Army is the second book in James Wilde's six book Hereward series. His story continues in Hereward: End of Days. Have you read Hereward - the first book in the series?

Wolves of New Rome

by James Wilde

Published 31 July 2014

The story of Hereward continues in this brutal and bloody novel full of betrayal and murder - a must read for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden.

"Dramatic, bloody and fast paced...I enjoyed every moment." -- PARMENION BOOKS

"A CRACKING TALE...British heroism at its best. Magic" -- FALCATA TIMES
"A real page-turner" -- ***** Reader review
"Great characters, great plot-read it in two days!" -- ***** Reader review



- The battle has been lost and King William stands victorious. For the betrayed and abandoned English rebels, the price of their crushing defeat is exile.

Their hopes of survival lie with one man, their leader Hereward. Can he navigate a safe course across a world torn by war? Their ultimate destination is the jewelled heart of the Christian emperor in the East, the New Rome - Byzantium. Here they hope to join those pledged to protect the emperor, the elite and savage Varangian Guard.
But this once-mighty empire is far from stable. Turkish hordes plan for an attack that could come at any moment. And within the sprawling city itself, rival factions threaten bloody mayhem as they scheme to seize the crown.

To stay alive in this cauldron of plot, betrayal and murder, Hereward and the English must fight as never before...

Hereward: Wolves of New Rome is the fourth book in James Wilde's six book Hereward series. His story continues in Hereward: The Immortals. Have you read Hereward, Hereward: The Devil's Army andHereward: End of Days - the first three books in the series?