Substitute Engagement

by Jayne Bauling

Published 5 April 1996

She couldn't win - and she couldn't refuse Lucia was furious.

She'd been hurt, rejected and now she was being compromised. Rob Ballard's sister had stolen her fiance and Lucia was being asked to protect her feelings!

Her instinct was to leave immediately, but Lucia needed a job to earn her ticket out of there. Rob Ballard offered her one - as long as she agreed to pose as someone else's fiancee. Whose? Well, Rob's actually... .

Sophisticated Seduction

by Jayne Bauling

Published 11 August 1995

Opposites attract

Having fled to India to escape the painful disillusionment of one relationship, Bridget had no intention of embarking on another... especially not with someone as complex and dangerously attractive as Nicholas Stirling!

While he was ruthless and sophisticated, Bridget was shy and gentle. To let down her guard to such a man would be pure folly. His talent was for seduction, not commitment. Nicholas might just break her heart again.