Book 296

This volume presents papers from the conferences given at the University of Metz in 1992, and presents some recent advances in various important domains of partial differential equations and applied mathematics. A special attempt has been made to make this work accessible to young researchers and non-specialists.

Book 325

This Research Note presents some recent advances in various important domains of partial differential
equations and applied mathematics including equations and systems of elliptic and parabolic type and various applications in physics,
mechanics and engineering.

These topics are now part of various areas of science and have
experienced tremendous development during the last decades.

Book 326

This research presents some important domains of partial differential equations and applied mathematics including calculus of variations, control theory, modelling, numerical analysis and various applications in physics, mechanics and engineering. These topics are now part of many areas of science and have experienced tremendous development during the last decades.

Book 384

The numerous applications of partial differential equations to problems in physics, mechanics, and engineering keep the subject an extremely active and vital area of research. With the number of researchers working in the field, advances-large and small-come frequently. Therefore, it is essential that mathematicians working in partial differential equations and applied mathematics keep abreast of new developments.
Progress in Partial Differential Equations, presents some of the latest research in this important field. Both volumes contain the lectures and papers of top international researchers contributed at the Third European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems. In addition to the general theory of elliptic and parabolic problems, the topics covered at the conference include:
  • applications
  • free boundary problems
  • fluid mechanics ogeneral evolution problems
  • calculus of variations ohomogenization omodeling
  • numerical analysis.
    The research notes in these volumes offer a valuable update on the state-of-the-art in this important field of mathematics.

  • Book 410

    The calculus of variations is a classical area of mathematical analysis-300 years old-yet its myriad applications in science and technology continue to hold great interest and keep it an active area of research. These two volumes contain the refereed proceedings of the international conference on Calculus of Variations and Related Topics held at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in March 1998. The conference commemorated 300 years of work in the field and brought together many of its leading experts.
    The papers in the first volume focus on critical point theory and differential equations. The other volume deals with variational aspects of optimal control. Together they provide a unique opportunity to review the state-of-the-art of the calculus of variations, as presented by an international panel of masters in the field.

    Book 411

    The calculus of variations is a classical area of mathematical analysis-300 years old-yet its myriad applications in science and technology continue to hold great interest and keep it an active area of research. These two volumes contain the refereed proceedings of the international conference on Calculus of Variations and Related Topics held at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in March 1998. The conference commemorated 300 years of work in the field and brought together many of its leading experts.
    The papers in the first volume focus on critical point theory and differential equations. The other volume deals with variational aspects of optimal control. Together they provide a unique opportunity to review the state-of-the-art of the calculus of variations, as presented by an international panel of masters in the field.

    Comprises the proceedings of the workshop on Optimization and Nonlinear Analysis held at the Technion in March 1990, organized by the Binational US-Israel Scientific Research Fund and the Institute for Advanced Studies in Mathematics at the Technion.