Book 2

The Deceivers

by Harold Robbins and Junius Podrug

Published 16 September 2008
The knock on the door of art expert Madison Dupre's low-rent New York apartment is that of a Thai cafe deliveryman-but instead of succulent noodles, he brings her a rare work of art from the incredible Angkor Wat in the jungles of Cambodia.Angkor Wat, a wonder of the ancient world, is considered by many to be more majestic than the monuments of the Egyptian pharaohs. Left unprotected, the vast complex has been a treasure trove for thieves who mercilessly cut off pieces, mutilating thousand-year-old sculptures with chainsaws.Madison knows there is no possibility that this artefact could have been acquired legally. That knock on her door sends her to one of the most dangerous places on the planet: Phnom Penh, the sex/sin/drug capital of the Far East.Stepping into a cauldron of murder and antiquity-looting that takes her from New York to Cambodia, Hong Kong to Thailand, Madison keeps one step ahead of temple robbers who kill as easily as they steal.
She finds comfort in the arms of a soldier of fortune; tangles with a Russian model and her 'bodyguard,' who introduce her to the New Eroticism; and, gets entangled with a Cambodian prince whose sex moves not even the worldly Madison has tried.

Book 3

The Shroud

by Harold Robbins and Junius Podrug

Published 13 October 2009
Art investigator Madison Dupre knew the offer was too good to be true: $20,000 for a quick trip to Dubai, the fantastic Arabian Nights city on the Persian Gulf. The call came from Sir Henri Lipton, a man who was supposed to be dead - and whom she had hoped was burning in hell because he had ruined her career before his violent 'demise'. He told her only one tantalizing thing about the piece of art: 'Let's just say it's a couple of thousand years old and was buried with Christ'. The fact that the offer came from a man wanted on three continents for art looting was fair warning that there would be a catch. But with debt collectors and an avaricious landlord pounding on her door, Madison listened when the devil whispered magic words in her ear: $20,000 cash - upfront. There was a catch, of course. A number of them. Sir Henri was up to his neck in conspiracies and needed someone to deflect the danger onto - not to mention frame for the most audacious art theft in history.
Dubai, a city that has been called Las Vegas on steroids, is the first stop on a quest that takes Madison to an ancient Mesopotamian city, the dark streets of exotic Istanbul, Venice at Carnival time, and a cathedral where the most sacred object of Christendom is stored. Along the way, she finds romance in the arms of a Russian agent whom she doesn't trust - and can't resist.

Book 4

The Curse

by Harold Robbins

Published 8 November 2011
Described as Indiana Jones in pantyhose, Madison is hired to "ransom" the Heart of Egypt - a scarab stolen from the tomb of King Tut - and goes on the run in New York after she is framed for murder. Her leads take her from a medieval camel market and famed Khan market place to the Valley of the Kings and beyond to the incredible colossi at Abu Simbel. All the while Madison has to stay ahead of tomb robbers, assassins, and political fanatics as she dodges curses both ancient and modern to stay alive.