Beyond Desire

by Gwynne Forster

Published 1 January 1999

Amanda Ross is thrilled when she is appointed junior high school principal in Caution Point, N.C. But her promotion will only be a pipe dream if the board of education discovers that she's pregnant-and single.

She never expected her baby's father to desert her, but explanations won't satisfy a small town's rumor mill. A husband is what she needs, and handsome music engineer Marcus Hickson looks like the answer to her problem.

Embittered by his ex-wife's selfish and cruel behavior, Marcus told himself he'd never marry again. That is, until doctors inform him that his injured daughter needs immediate surgery, and Amanda-financially independent because of her inheritance-offers to pay the medical bills if he'll be her husband. Desperate, Marcus agrees, as long as their arrangement" is strictly business. But days and nights under the same roof soon ignite mutual desire. Now Marcus and Amanda's marriage of convenience has become an affair of the heart...and a deception that endangers everything they hold dear.

Fools Rush In

by Gwynne Forster

Published 24 September 1999

After a devastating tragedy sent her into a severe depression, Justine Montgomery gave up her newborn daughter for adoption. Realizing her mistake too late, she discovered her daughter had been adopted by divorced journalist Duncan Banks-and that he was looking for a nanny.

Without revealing her identity, Justine took the job. But she never anticipated Duncan's growing suspicions about her-or the powerful attraction between them.

A poverty-ridden childhood and a failed marriage left Duncan Banks unwilling to trust in anyone but himself. It didn't take him long to realize that there was something not quite right about his daughter's otherwise perfect nanny. But in trying to uncover Justine's secrets, Duncan soon found his own vulnerabilities were at stake. With divided loyalties and an unexpected passion threatening their fragile relationship, Justine and Duncan must risk revealing more than they ever imagined to achieve what they never dreamed possible....


by Gwynne Forster

Published 1 July 1997

I Do!

by Robyn Amos, Gwynne Forster, and Shirley Hailstock

Published 1 February 1998

Mirror Image

by Shirley Hailstock

Published 1 June 1998


by Gwynne Forster

Published 1 April 1998


by Shirley Hailstock

Published 1 July 1997

Private Lies

by Robyn Amos

Published 1 March 1998

True Blue

by Robyn Amos

Published 25 January 1999

Into the Night

by Robyn Amos

Published 1 September 1998