A Gown for His Mistress

by Georges Feydeau

Published 24 November 2010
Farce Characters: 4 male, 6 female Interior Set Dr. Moulineaux has been out all night in a futile attempt to meet his mistress Suzanne. He tells his wife he has been with Bassinet who is near death, but in walks Bassinet. He decides it is no longer wise to have Suzanne pretend to be a patient and rents an apartment that formerly belonged to a dressmaker. He and Suzanne are discovered in this hide away by her husband, so the doctor poses as a dressmaker and is caught in a desperate entanglement when his wife, his mother in law, Bassinet and Bassinet's wife appear. Moulineaux's household is in an uproar but he manages to lie his way out of it all with the help of Bassinet, who has a photograph that seems to solve everything. This farce has outstanding roles and is successful played as a 1900's period piece or in a modern setting.

A Flea in Her Ear

by Georges Feydeau

Published 1 April 1968
Raymonde suspects her husband, Victor Emmanuel, of infidelity and she turns to her best friend, Lucienne, to help her gain proof. They concoct a play-based on a perfumed letter-to trap him at the Hotel Coq d'Or in Montretout.5 women, 9 men

Keep an Eye on Amelie

by Georges Feydeau

Published 1 September 1991
Feydeau's hilarious farce Occupe-toi d'Am lie is here translated in a lively new version - seen at the Royal Exchange, Manchester, under the title She's in Your Hands! Marcel will inherit one million francs - on his wedding day. Unwilling to relinquish his bachelorhood, but in dire need of cash, he persuades Am lie, a cocotte, to act as his fiancee for benefit of his godfather. But events don't go according to plan!5 women, 13 men

Full Length, Farce/ 5 m, 3 f, extras / 2 ints. Here is the hilarious frolic that launched Feydeau in Paris as the Neil Simon of his day. Take one philandering husband; add his virtuous wife set on revenge, and a doctor determined to be her instrument of revenge; mix well with the husband's friend who is eager to trap his spouse in flagrante delicto and a young nephew with a cocotte to round out his education; toss them together at 13 Rue de L'Amour where a love starved German countess is the concierge; season with a befuddled police inspector and a perky French maid. "The best laid plans for vice and sin go wildly and wonderfully astray."-Seattle Times "Very stuff of comedy whirled around with happy dexterity."-NY Post "Classic farce...thoroughly worth seeing."-NY Times "Indecently funny."-Time ROYALTY FEE: $75 per performance.

The troubles of Ventroux, parliamentary deputy, begin when his wife Clarisse insists it is so hot that she can only wear a n glig around the apartment. Hochepaix, a former political enemy, visits; Clarisse is stung in a most unfortunate place and pleads with Hochepaix and her husband to suck out the sting for her. When a reporter from Le Figaro kindly administers first aid in full view of the President it seems doubtful that poor Ventroux's political career will survive!1 woman, 4 men

The translator of a popular version of Feydeau's A Flea in Her Ear scored another success with this acclaimed farce at the National Theatre of Great Britain. More slam bang experiences in mistaken identities and sexual peccadillos, this hilarious story begins with M. Pinglet's efforts to have a fling with Mme. Paillardin, who is terminally bored with her husband. The lovers book a room in a very out of the way hotel which quickly becomes a destination for practically everyone they know.Large cast

Winner Takes All

by Georges Feydeau

Published 29 May 2001
Paris. Madame Chanal is having an affair with Massenay, who is also married. Complications arise when a moment of passion between the lovers is accidentally recorded on to a phonograph. In true Feydeau style, this leads to a frenzied domino effect of mistaken identities, lots of door-banging, hysterical drop-your-trousers scenes, and agonisingly mis-timed meetings, with a whole host of charmingly foolish characters.3 women, 10 men

Happy Hunter

by Georges Feydeau

Published December 1972

The Music Lovers

by Georges Feydeau

Published 1 September 1992
Set in 1890s Paris and very typically Feydeau in style, this lively and fast-moving play revolves around the idea of mistaken identity. Lucille awaits her new music teacher but the man who walks into her apartment is Edouard, in the mistaken belief that he is attending a rendezvous with his mistress. A series of hilarious misunderstandings and double entendres ensues.-4 women, 1 man

Night Errant

by Georges Feydeau

Published 19 December 2022

This farcical comedy set in 1910 is a translation by Michael Pilch of Georges Feydeau's Feu la Mere de Madame. Things go seriously wrong when Lucien arrives home from a ball in the early hours of the morning dressed as Louis XIV. His late arrival and his enraptured account of the ball invites the wrath of Yvonne, his wife, which is heightened when he unwittingly makes disparaging remarks about her figure. The maid, Annette, is dragged from her bed to witness his discomfiture and the angry scene which follows.

- 2 women, 2 men

Better Late

by Georges Feydeau

Published May 1977