Fortress France

by J E Kaufmann, H W Kaufmann, and Tomasz Idzikowski

Published 30 November 2005

The Maginot Line was the last great gun-bearing line of subterranean forts built before World War II. Although it acquired an unjustified reputation as a white elephant, the Maginot Line fulfilled the role for which it was built, allowing the French High Command the opportunity to mass its forces and counter the German invasion. Unfortunately, the French leadership failed to make the most of its assets, with the resulting disastrous outcome.

During the 1920s, the French High Command formulated a number of offensive plans to strike at Germany, but by the end of the decade, it switched to defensive plans because of a lack of manpower. Work thus began on the Maginot Line and on other fortifications such as the French Mareth Line in North Africa and the heavy naval coastal defense batteries in Bizerte (Tunisia) and Toulon (France). The authors conclude that the Maginot Line offered the French High Command many opportunities from September 1939 until May 1940. They blame a failed French military doctrine for taking the initiative away from subordinates, laying the groundwork for the disastrous events of 1940 that left the French High Command paralyzed while German forces broke through the weakly held Ardennes.

G.I. Joe in France

by J E Kaufmann and H W Kaufmann

Published 30 June 2008

This book chronicles the experience of the World War II paratroopers from their earliest days in training to final days of the war spent at Berchtesgaden. Relying heavily on memoirs, letters, and personal interviews with soldiers, this work highlights the rigors of training, the spectacle of combat, and the relief of survival and victory. From D-Day to Bastogne, Kaufmann follows the American advance across France, shedding light on the emotional strain and shock of combat that was, until recently, often overlooked by generations of Americans, but freely admitted to by the Vets themselves. Along the way, the book details the struggle faced by American G.I.s as they made their way through France. Indeed, it becomes clear the Nazis were not the only obstacle to Mutt and Joe during the campaign. The common problems of supply and relief often exacerbated difficult conditions in the field, while incompetent line officers often raised doubt and suspicion among men in the ranks. Ultimately, this is a very personal story about struggle and triumph, told by those who endured the hardship of combat.