
by Terry Jennings

Published 25 May 1989
Each book in this series on everyday objects explains how a product is made and used, and encourages children to find out more through investigation and activities across the curriculum. This book encourages children to find out about some of the many different kinds of wood, showing how trees are cut and shaped in a saw-mill and explaining how children can make wood rubbings and grow their own trees.


by Terry Jennings

Published 14 June 1990
Part of a series which looks at everyday products and encourages children to find out more through investigation and activities, this book examines all kinds of beans - dried, tinned, frozen and fresh - and the differences between them. Practical experiments are included to stimulate children to think of beans as a versatile, nutritious food and also as seeds which can be grown.


by Terry Jennings

Published 14 June 1990
Part of a series which looks at everyday products and encourages children to find out more through investigation and activities, this book examines pebbles and stones and suggests experiments and craft activities that they can be used for. Some characteristics of basic rock types - both natural and artificial - are revealed, and a recipe for home-made concrete is included.