This book by Britain's internationally renowned angling entomologist, John Goddard (now published by Robert Hale) is without doubt the most comprehensive ever written on this fascinating subject. Whilst a knowledge of entomology is not strictly essential for a trout fisherman (casting ability, the approach and the presentation of the fly are probably all more important), a basic knowledge of entomology will most certainly improve overall success. How often are fly-fishermen faced with a situation in which trout on a particular stretch of water consistently rise yet ignore every pattern presented to them. At times trout will often become preoccupied with feeding upon a particular insect that is hatching and will completely ignore other similar species that may be emerging at the same time. The ability to identify at least some of the more common species and then choose a matching artifical must increase the chances of success.
Trout Flies of Britain and Europe provides all this information and is arranged in a manner that is simple for the average fly-fisher to follow, whilst at the same time it provides the necessary scientific information for those who may wish to make a deeper study of the subject. It covers the more common insects and fauna found in Britain and in every country in Europe, enabling fly-fishers to ascertain which particular species may be indigenous to the areas they are fishing. It also provides a wealth of fishing information on different types of water as well as on particular species, and the author explains the many successful techniques he has developed over the years, some of which are relatively new and have proved to be astonishingly successful. A large proportion of the 500 colour photographs that appear here have been taken by the author, who is also a skilled micro-photographer. Together with those donated by other experts, they provide a unique collection of almost every insect or fauna that is likely to be seen either in or on the water throughout Europe.
For fly-fishers or students of freshwater life, this is an essential reference book that is so comprehensive it is unlikely to be superseded.

This guide to fly fishing includes chapters on tackle, the trout's senses, casting, playing and hooking trout, where to fish for trout in rivers and lakes, trout foods, fishing with dry flies, wet flies and nymphs. It also contains a section on fly fishing in still water and recipes for many of the author's original and proven patterns, including the Goddard Cablis.

Still-water Flies

by John Goddard

Published 18 November 1982