v. 70, No. 1.

"Comedia" in the Age of Calderon

Published 1 January 1993
A "festschrift" in honour of Sir Albert Sloman, Gilmour Professor of Spanish in the University of Liverpool (1953-62) and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Essex (1962-87), this volume contains a lengthy introduction about Sloman and thirteen specialist contributions on themes concerning drama in the time of Spain's most famous Golden-Age playwright, Pedro Calderon de la Barca. Dramatists considered at length include Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, Cubillo de Aragon, Jimenez de Enciso and Calderon himself. One contribution concerns the use of live animals in dramatic performances in playhouses during the 17th century, while another focuses principally on the administration and physical structure of Madrid's Corral ("playhouse") del Principe in 1609. A further contribution examines the 1636 corpus of dramatic material in the Municipal Archive of Cordoba.