The Message of Leviticus

by Derek Tidball

Published 18 March 2005
For many Christians, the Old Testament book of Leviticus tends to be largely unknown and unread. However, the Christian gospel - which presumes a knowledge of sacrifice and atonement, of law and grace, of sin and obedience, of defilement and cleansing, and of priesthood and temple curtains - makes little sense without the background it provides.
Derek Tidball believes that Leviticus is of foundational importance for our understanding of God, the gospel and Christian living, and that it needs to be taught and preached to congregations today. It even has much to say about the creation of healthy societies. In this excellent exposition, he shows how Leviticus serves as a preliminary sketch of the masterpiece that was to be unveiled in Christ, and unfolds its testimony to a faith not of law but of grace, not of duty but of love, not of drudgery but of gratitude - and to God's people set free to be holy.

The Message of Women

by Derek Tidball and Dianne Tidball

Published 19 October 2012
Women appear in key places and roles throughout the biblical story-line. In the Old Testament we find Eve in the garden of Eden; the matriarchs Sarah, Rebekah, Leah and Rachel; Deborah and Ruth in the time of the Judges; the prophetesses Huldah in King Josiah's time; the capable woman of Proverbs 31; the passionate woman in the Song of Songs. In the Gospels, various women are involved in the life of Jesus, not least his mother Mary and the first witnesses to his resurrection. The book of Acts includes Lydia the converted businesswoman and Priscilla the fearless teacher. Furthermore, both testaments also contain much teaching about women's life and ministry, for example in prayer, in worship, in marriage and in leadership.
Derek and Dianne Tidball's wide-ranging exposition begins with some foundations about women in creation and in the new creation. Next, they survey women under the old covenant. Thirdly, they examine women in the kingdom of God, in the life and teaching of Jesus, and in the final section they deal with women in the new community of the early church, and grapple with some of the more controversial writings of the apostle Paul.
Mindful of the complexities, challenges and debates, the authors seek to approach the Bible with humility and integrity, while addressing vitally relevant issues for Christians today with clarity and confidence.

The Message of the Cross

by Derek Tidball

Published 16 February 2001
The magnificent theme of the cross of Christ is treated in a readable and practical manner. In a wide-ranging exploration, Derek Tidball brings out its implications for Christian living, community and spirituality.
Opening up key passages throughout the Bible, Tidball considers the anticipation of the Cross in the Old Testament, the experience of it in the Gospel accounts, its explanation and application in the New Testament letters and the Book of Revelation.
He writes: 'Before the cross of Christ countless men and women of every generation and culture have stood in adoring wonder and humble penitence. The cross stands at the very heart of the Christian faith, manifesting the love of God, effecting salvation from sin, conquering the hostile forces of evil and inviting reconciliation with God.'

The Message of Holiness

by Derek Tidball

Published 15 January 2010
Derek Tidball surveys the Scriptures for a comprehensive biblical understanding of this elusive mandate from God to "be holy as I am holy." The triune God of glory, he contends, sets us on paths that lead us through encounters with God, ourselves, our enemies and our companions to our ultimate destination, where we discover that we have been reshaped by God into his own image. --from publisher description