Salters GCE Chemistry
1 total work
Revise AS for Salters New Edition
Published 23 April 2004
Produced in partnership with OCR for the 2008 OCR A Level Chemistry B (Salters) specification, this Revision Guide complements the AS Student Book and provides students with that extra help they need for exam preparation.
Written by experienced examiners and teachers, the OCR AS Chemistry B (Salters) Revision Guide provides:
comprehensive coverage of the specification for the exams
bite-sized chunks of information, making it easier for students to organize their revision time
quick-check revision questions to test knowledge and understanding
hints and tips from examiners to help students avoid common errors
lots of practice exam-style questions for each unit
answers to questions so students can check they are on the right track.
Written by experienced examiners and teachers, the OCR AS Chemistry B (Salters) Revision Guide provides:
comprehensive coverage of the specification for the exams
bite-sized chunks of information, making it easier for students to organize their revision time
quick-check revision questions to test knowledge and understanding
hints and tips from examiners to help students avoid common errors
lots of practice exam-style questions for each unit
answers to questions so students can check they are on the right track.