
Volume III/27 covers the magnetic properties of non-metallic inorganic compounds based on transition elements. It can therefore be considered as a supplement to volumes III/4 and III/12 "Magnetic and Other Properties of Magnetic Oxides and Related Compounds" which appeared in 1970 and in the period 1978 - 1982 respectively. The magnetic properties of the oxides with corundum, ilmenite and perovskite-type crystal structure and amorphous oxides are given in volume 27f, partly in the present subvolume III/27f3.


Halides II

by A. Chelkowski and H P J Wijn

Published 16 June 1995
Volume III/27 covers the magnetic properties of non-metallic inorganic compounds based on transition elements. It can therefore be considered as a supplement to volumes III/4 (1970) and III/12 (1978-82) and as a counterpart to volume III/19, in which the magnetic properties of metals, alloys and metallic compounds are compiled. III/27j deals with halides. The present subvolume III/27j2 covers the halides composed out of three types of elements, A, M, and X, where generally A represents an alkali element, M a 3d element and X a halogen element.


The physical properties of faujasites (FAU) as well as of EMT-FAU type frameworks are analysed in this volume. Faujasite type zeolites have a wide range of industrial applications as ion exchanger, sorption agent, molecular sieve and as a catalyst, due primarily to their excellent structural stability, large and accessible pore volume, high activity, high resistance to nitrogen compounds and high regenerability. Important industrial processes, where faujasites are used as catalysts, are cracking, hydrocracking and isomerization for obtaining petroleum products from crude oil.


Volume 19 of Group III (Crystal and Solid State Physics) deals with the magnetic properties of metals, alloys and metallic compounds. The amount of information available in this field is so substantial that several subvolumes are needed to cover it all. Subvolumes III/19a through III/19f treat the intrinsic magnetic properties, i.e. those magnetic properties which depend only on the chemical composition and the crystal structure. So far, subvolumes III/19a, III/19b, III/19c, III/19d1, III/19d2, III/19e1, III/19e2 and III/19f1 have appeared. Data on the properties that depend on the preparation of the samples measured, as for instance, thin films, amorphous alloys or the magnetic alloys used in technical applications, are being compiled in the subvolume of III/19g (Thin Films) and III/19h which covers the magnetic properties of liquid quenched alloys containing transition elements. This subvolume III/19i2 deals with the magnetic properties of hard magnetic alloys for permanent magnets. The large fields of both the well-known magnets based on 3d elements and the currently widely investigated alloys based on rare earth elements are covered. The relation between the permanent magnet properties and the various preparation techniques of the alloys has obtained special attention.


Volume 19 of Group III (Crystal and Solid State Physics) deals with the magnetic properties of metals, alloys and metallic compounds. The amount of information available in this field is so substantial that several subvolumes are needed to cover it all. The first subvolumes treat the intrinsic magnetic properties, i. e. those magnetic properties which depend only on the chemical composition and the crystal structure. So far, subvolumes III/19a, III/19b and III/19c have appeared. Data on the properties that depend on the preparation of the samples measured, as for instance, thin films or amorphous alloys and the magnetic alloys used in technical applications, are being compiled in the last subvolumes of III/19. In the first of these, subvolume III/19g, magnetic properties are given for several major types of crystalline and amorphous thin magnetic films that are supported by a substrate and for which a more or less coherent group of data is available. The properties of sputtered metallic amorphous films containing 3d transition elements will be dealt with in the following subvolume.



by E. Burzo

Published 31 December 1994

The magnetic properties of silicates are compiled in subvolume 27I. Silicates are very complex systems, covering large classes of minerals as well as synthetic samples. Individual chapters are dedicated to orthosilicates, sorosilicates, cyclosilicates, inosilicates, phyllosilicates and tectosilicates. Due to the huge amount of data these chapters have to be spread over several subvolumes I1, I2, etc.. - The present subvolume 27I1 deals with orthosilicates. The different groups of minerals and synthetic silicates were distinctly analyzed in various sections, presenting data on crystal structure, magnetic properties (such as magnetizations, susceptibilities, ordering temperatures), nuclear gamma resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, transport properties, thermal properties, as well as dielectric and optical data.


Volume III/27 covers the magnetic properties of inorganic compounds based on transition elements. It can therefore be considered as a supplement to volumes III/4 and III/12 Magnetic and other properties of magnetic oxides and related compounds which appeared in 1970 and in the period 1978 - 1982 respectively. In a way this volume also forms a counterpart to volume III/19, in which the magnetic properties of metals, alloys and metallic compounds are compiled. The first subvolume, III/27a, which appeared in late 1988, deals with the magnetic properties of pnictides and chalcogenides which contain 3d elements. Subvolume III/27d treats oxy-spinels. In subvolume III/27e oxidic compounds with the garnet structure are considered; they include both iron and non-iron substances. The present subvolume III/27g covers binary oxides based on d-transition elements, oxides with trirutile and pyrochlore structure and oxides with a hexagonal crystal structure. The major part of the latter group is an updating of the compilations which appeared already in the Landolt-Börnstein subvolumes III/4b and III/12c. A preliminary survey of the contents of all subvolumes planned for Landolt-Börnstein III/27 is printed on the inside of the front cover. Physical and chemical properties which are of interest in connection with the magnetism of the oxides, have been given the necessary attention.


Boron Containing Oxides

by E. Burzo

Published 22 September 1993
Volume III/27 covers the magnetic properties of inorganic compounds based on transition elements. It can therefore be considered as a supplement to volumes III/4 and III/12 Magnetic and other properties of magnetic oxides and related compounds which appeared in 1970 and in the period 1978 - 1982 respectively. In a way this volume also forms a counterpart to volume III/19, in which the magnetic properties of metals, alloys and metallic compounds are compiled. The present subvolume III/27h on oxides covers those crystalline and vitreous oxidic boron compounds for which the magnetic properties primarily depend on the presence of 3d transition elements in the structure. Much attention is given to the relation between the optical and the magnetic properties of the various substances.

Book 19e2

Volume 19 of Group III (Crystal and Solid State Physics) deals with the magnetic properties of metals, alloys and metallic compounds. The amount of information available in this field is so substantial that several subvolumes are needed to cover it all. Subvolumes III/19a through III/19f treat the intrinsic magnetic properties, i.e. those magnetic properties which depend only on the chemical composition and the crystal structure. So far, subvolumes III/19a, III/19b and III/19c have appeared. Subvolume III/19e is concerned with the magnetic data of the metallic compounds of rare earth elements with main group elements. The present part III/19e2 is the first to be published; part III/19e1 will follow shortly. Data on the properties that depend on the preparation of the samples measured, as for instance, thin films, amorphous alloys or the magnetic alloys used in technical applications, are being compiled in the last subvolumes of III/19: III/19g and III/19h, of which III/19g has already appeared.



by E. Burzo

Published 24 January 2005

The magnetic properties of silicates and phosphates are compiled in subvolume 27I. While subvolume 27I1 (already published) deals with orthosilicates, the present subvolume 27I2 deals with sorosilicates. Further subvolumes are dedicated to other types of silicates (cyclosilicates, inosilicates, phyllosilicates, tectosilicates) and to phosphates. - Silicates are very complex systems, covering large classes of minerals as well as synthetic samples. Their crystal structure is discussed and atomic positions are given. In addition to magnetic properties, results of neutron diffraction studies, nuclear gamma resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, transport properties, dielectric and optical data are reviewed.


Perovskites I (Part b)

by E. Burzo

Published 18 November 1996
In subvolume 27F1 the magnetic properties of AMO3 - type and of (AR)MO3 - type perovskite oxides (A = alkaline-earth metal, M = d transition element, R = rare earth element) have been compiled. In some aspects this volume is a supplement to the previously published survey in Landolt-Bornstein of J.B. Goodenough and J.M. Longo Vol. III/4a (1970) and S. Nomura Vol. III/12a (1978). However this volume III/27F1 presents in itself a comprehensive state of the knowledge of the magnetic and magnetism-related properties of the considered compounds."