Who Was Jacqueline Kennedy?

by Bonnie Bader

Published 6 December 2016
Through this engaging Who Was? biography, kids will discover the woman behind the sunglasses.

Private and bookish, Jackie Kennedy found herself thrust into the world spotlight as the young and glamorous wife of the President John F. Kennedy.  As First Lady she restored the once neglected rooms of the White House to their former glory, and through her charm and elegance became a style icon whose influence is still felt even today. Kids will be fascinated to read about a First Family whose youth, intelligence, and good looks captivated America in the early 1960s.

Who Was Robert E. Lee?

by Bonnie Bader

Published 26 June 2014
Robert E. Lee seemed destined for greatness. His father was a Revolutionary War hero and at West Point he graduated second in his class! In 1861, when the Southern states seceded from the Union, Lee was offered the opportunity to command the Union forces. However, even though he was against the war, his loyalty to his home state of Virginia wouldn’t let him fight for the North. Despite the South’s ultimate defeat, General Robert E. Lee remains one of the United States’ true military heroes.

Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.?

by Bonnie Bader

Published 27 December 2007
The story of one of the most influential civil rights activist of our time. 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was only 25 when he helped organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott and was soon organizing black people across the country in support of the right to vote, desegregation, and other basic civil rights. Maintaining nonviolent and peaceful tactics even when his life was threatened, King was also an advocate for the poor and spoke out against racial and economic injustice until his death—from an assassin's bullet—in 1968. With clearly written text that explains this tumultuous time in history and 80 black-and-white illustrations, this Who Was? celebrates the vision and the legacy of a remarkable man.

Learn all about Christopher Columbus' early life at sea, which led him to seek fortune by sailing west in hopes of creating new trade routes with the Indies. Kids will read about why he called himself the "Great Admirald of the Seas" and learn of all his struggles to find finacial support for his voyage.

Aprende más acerca de Alexander Graham Bell con esta divertida y fascinante biografía ilustrada.

An illustrated biography of the inventor of the telephone, Alexander, Graham Bell.

Quien Fue Robert E. Lee?

by Bonnie Bader

Published 1 January 2016
"Robert E. Lee seemed destined for greatness. His father was a Revolutionary War hero and at West Point he graduated second in his class! In 1861, when the Southern states seceded from the Union, Lee was offered the opportunity to command the Union forces. However, even though he was against the war, his loyalty to his home state of Virginia wouldn't let him fight for the North."--Amazon.com.

Robert E. Lee parecía destinado a la grandeza. Su padre era un héroe de la Guerra de la Independencia y en West Point se graduó segundo en su clase! En 1861, cuando los estados del sur se separaron de la Unión, Lee se le ofreció la oportunidad de comandar las fuerzas de la Unión. Sin embargo, a pesar de que estaba en contra de la guerra, su lealtad a su estado natal de Virginia, no le permitió luchar por el Norte.