House and Garden

by Alan Ayckbourn

Published 7 August 2000
2 Comedies / 7m, 7f, extras / Int./Ext.

An unprecedented theatre event: two plays take place simultaneously in the same theatre but in different auditoriums. Characters walk off one set and onto the other throughout and yet each portion is a complete theatre experience. In HOUSE, two upper-crust marriages are in hilarious upheaval, the awkward confusion of young love abounds, a devious politician has bizarre ulterior motives land a French film star imbibes one too many drinks. And what is going on in the GARDEN? More hilarity.

Note: These two plays MUST be performed simultaneously in by the same cast in adjacent auditoriums.

"Perhaps his [Ayckbourn's] greatest work. An engaging, high precision production."-Daily Telegraph

"It's audacious, crazy and altogether brilliant."-Times

Body Language

by Alan Ayckbourn

Published 10 September 2001
There is an awful accident at a cosmetic surgery clinic; overweight reporter Jo and glamour model Angie are beheaded by a helicopter. But never fear, infamous surgeon Hravic knows exactly how to save them and as if by miracle, their heads are sewn back - on the wrong bodies.-3 women, 5 men